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it really depends on the pie...the amount of calories will tell you. it doesnt matter if you are on a diet or not.

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Q: If you are on a diet and eat a slice of pie how much weight do you gain?
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yes in the beginning but if you don't start exercising right away twice as much you will gain back

Succeeding at the Gain Weight Diet?

After hearing the words "gain weight diet," altogether, you may have felt confused as to how that could possibly work. In reality, it's a perfect diet for anyone who wants to truly lose weight and become healthier. The word, "weight" in the diet's name specifically refers to muscle. After all, that is weight. Additionally, the more muscle you build through exercise and toning, the more weight your body will lose. To get the most out of your gain weight diet, eat foods that are high in protein to help build muscle such as tuna, chicken, beef, eggs, certain types of nuts, milk, and so much more.

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Fruits and vegetables are part of a healthy diet. However, if you increase your caloric intake - whether from fruits and vegetables or from fast food and candy bars - you will gain weight.

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0.12 kg

Do you gain weight every time you eat something fatty?

No because fat is a part of a balanced diet. If you eat too much, yes you do.

Should we replace processed foods in our diet?

As much as is practical, yes, since these are the foods that are more likely to lead to excessive weight-gain.

How can diet sodas cause weight gain?

Despite saying "diet", even diet sodas have a few calories in them (around 2 or 3 per 8 oz. can). Also, the ingredients used to sweeten or flavor the soda aren't always very healthy, even if they are low-cal. You can also become addicted to soda, and so much of even diet soda can cause you to gain weight.

How well would a vegetarian diet help me lose weight?

A vegetarian diet alone is unlikely to help you lose weight, in fact many people gain weight after becoming vegetarian. A well balanced diet without too much fat or empty calories, along with plenty of exercise, will probably do a lot more to help you lose weight.

How much weight can you lose on a rice diet?

* Some people say you can lose up to 3 pounds each day.* If you have even the slightest degree of insulin resistance (and many overweight people have without being aware of it) you will gain weight (not lose weight) on a rice diet. * Rice is high in carbohydrate. If I went on a rice diet (and I am a natural vegetarian) I would gain weight.

How much weight does someone gain after recovering from being bulimic?

You will more than likely gain everything back and then some. Your body's metabolism gets all messed up and it is difficult to not gain weight even while maintaining a "regular" diet and exercise. This makes it extremely difficult not to relapse.

Can you gain weight from eating grains?

If you eat too much you can gain weight from just about anyhing.

If you begin to take the pill or the patch will you gain weight and how much?

Yes there is a chance of weight gain with the pill, I am not sure about the patch, but I would not doubt it. There is no telling how much you will gain. I believe that the hormones are what makes you gain the weight. I can not guarentee that though.