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you can but you probally wont

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Q: If you brake what if your neck can you live or do you die instantly?
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Do you always Die from a snapped neck?

A person can die if their spinal cord is snapped off at the neck, killing them instantly. As far as clicking it back into place, its best to see a chiropractor.

Who would live on mercury?

No. You would instantly die.

Why are people hanged?

because it is a mostly painless way to die because it breaks the victims neck and kills them instantly

How long does it take to die if you cut your neck?

Almost instantly, as you are cutting off your air supply and loosing a massive amount of blood at the same time.

Is the neck more important than your back?

Yes. If you break your neck, you can die instantly. When a person is hung by the neck, the attempt is made to break the neck, causing instant death. They have never tried to execute someone by tying the rope around their back, and then dropping them through a trap door.

Does it hurt when you get hit by a car?

if you get hit and you die instantly then it probably wont hurt. if you live you will probably feel pain

When a whale is killed by the Japanese does it die instantly?

No the whales dont die instantly and may suffer for up to an hour

If the sun disappeared would you die instantly?

no, you would not die instantly. though it would be a very cold death but we would eventually die from freezing.

Can you kill someone in one punch?

Yes but it depends how hard and where you hit them. for example if you hit someone at their temple they could die instantly x Also if you punch them in the neck you can collapse their throat and kill them ;)

Can you die from snapping your neck?

of course. the neck gets you to talk through your vocal cords which then splits your throat in half although,some people don't die from getting snapped in the neck if the doctor said it could be a normal x ray but still i doubt you will live.

If you cut into an artery do you die instantly or die slowly?

You do not die instantly, however, it is a matter of only a couple minutes before you would pass out and bleed to death.

How long would you have to live after being shot in the stomach?

3 hours and 15min that's if it is not close to the heart if it is close to the heart you will die instantly