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it all depends on how you both feel about each other in the future, if in the future you both still fill a connection with one another, there is no question that it's a high possibility that the both of you will get married.

i dont mean to rain on ur parade or anything but i jsut got of a realtioship like this and one of u might end up hateing the idea of talking on the phone and computer there is a small posibilty but just go with the flow of life and jsut let it see were it leads you

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Q: If you break up with a boy from a long distance relationship at the age fourteen and you become just friends is there a chance they'll end up getting married in the future?
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Long distance relationships are difficult at best and the percentage of two people actually getting together and having a solid relationship or even marrying is very low. If an individual cheats while having a relationship online there is no way you can know if they will do it again and they have already broken your bond of trust you had with them. It's wise to get out in society; be with friends and meet people in person so you will find that special person that should be in your life.

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There's really no way. Try to visit him as often as possible.

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Talk to them about what you are feeling because of this invasion into your privacy. Try to work something out. You need to tell your girlfriend that either she tells her friends to butt out of your relationship, or you will. Your relationship is between you and her, not you, her and her friends. If your girlfriend is not willing to tell her friends that they need to butt out, then that should speak volumes to you as to what you need to do. Do you really want to be in a relationship with someone who allows her friends to get in the middle of your relationship? But, to be fair to her, and look at the other possibilities, what is it about you or the relationship that makes her friends feel they need to get involved? Do you treat her in an abusive manner? Do you cheat on her? Do you try to monopolize her time and get jealous or upset if she spends time with her friends? If you answer these questions honestly, and can honestly answer "yes" to any of them, then you have to admit it's natural for friends to care how another friend is being treated, and change your treatment of your girlfriend.

Can a 14 year old be friends with a 20 year old without getting in trouble with the law?

Yes, you can absolutely be friends, but if it's a romantic relationship then you could be going into dangerous territory.

I am fourteen years old and in the eighth grade. The last time I was invited to do something was when I was in the fifth grade. I want to be invited somewhere but I wont be. what should.I do.?

A fourteen year old in the eigth grade that has a hard time getting invited to places should try to make more friends. While that's easier said than done, it's always best to get out and find people with simliar interests. Once they've establised a bunch of friends, their chances of getting invited to social gatherings increases.

Why do relationships end?

Relationships could end because someone in the relationship was cheating. Also they could end because (if it is a relationship at school) they are getting laughed at by their friends, or simply because the couple do not love each other anymore.

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You would be very wise to stay friends and not have a relationship. Straight is straight and gay is gay. You risk a lot if you persist on having a relationship with her. Be sure you aren't getting love of a friend mixed up with true love.

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There's a 25-75 chance favoring that you would not get her pregnant. You could use a condom and not get her pregnant, or you don't use a condom and you have a chance at getting her pregnant.

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Gently. Don't be cruel or blunt or nasty about it: you should be flattered!Without getting her hopes up, get her alone (you wouldn't want witnesses if it was you, would you?) and explain that you value her friendship too much to ruin it by having a relationship. You really want her to stay the good friend she is now.If she's not a friend already, are you sure she has a crush on you? Don't listen to hearsay from your friends (or her "friends") about it. If she's just someone you see at a distance, let her remain at a distance; if she ever did approach you, you can let her down gently then.The important point here is to put yourself in her shoes. Don't humiliate her or laugh or make fun of her or say things through friends. You remember the last time you had a crush on a girl, don't you? Be to her what you wanted that girl to be to you: a friend.

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