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Antibiotics change over time. In general, taking expired drugs can cause more harm than good. My advice would be to talk to a doctor as soon as you can. If the abscess is bleeding or open, I would gargle Hydrogen Peroxide to minimize the chance of sever infection. DO NOT TAKE EXPIRED ANTIBIOTICS.

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Q: If you can't get to a doctor and you have a gum abscess and a prescription for PenV which is 2 years out of date is it worse to take the penV or let the abscess go untreated?
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Making an abscess worse is a very risky thing and I don't believe there is any professional who would condone willingly trying to do so. If you have an abscess that doesn't go away or start to heal in a few days you should go to a doctor or hospital to have it evaluated. The typical treatments for abscesses are lancing (slicing it open to drain) or draining it with a syringe. You will also probably receive an antibiotic to prevent further or spreading infection. There are several things that tend to make an abscess worse if you are trying to get it to the point of rupturing. Keeping the affected area unclean can definitely contribute to a growing abscess, but it may also lead to a serious infection. Smoking also increases the severity of an abscess as do a variety of foods such as stronger (sharper) cheeses, fried foods, and heavily processed food.

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