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Sloth is indeed one of the seven deadly sins. In classic Catholic terminology, serious sin is called mortal sin, because it caused death of the soul, and it only requires one mortal or serious sin to completely kill the life of the spirit in the soul. So, yes, serious sloth is more than enough to go to hell.

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Q: If you commit sloth do you go to hell?
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They go to hell. Unless they believe in god. Then they probably go to heaven.

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Firstly life isgods gift, not meant to be ended by suicide.It takes courage to commit suicide , but only cowards commit suicide, do not throw this life so easily . God gives life and god takes life. Those who commit suicide will go to hell.

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slow as hell yea it is though they do ride motorcycles around the place so they are pretty fast on them so whta do you think about that hahahahahano

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Yes you go to Hell it is a sin to kill yourself if you are a child of God then the urge to kill yourself shold not be there. Again it is a sin and so stated in the Bible.

If you commit suicide do you go straight to hell?

Some say so. I think the threat is to dissuade people from suicide, particularly when it's the result of depression, which is treatable. Many people who do commit suicide are mentally ill and not considered responsible for their actions.

Does the bible say you will go to hell if you commit suicide?

The Bible does not explicitly state that a person will go to hell for committing suicide. Different Christian denominations have varying beliefs on this topic. It is important to seek guidance from a religious leader or counselor if this is a concern for you.

How fast can a sloth go?

1.2 mph.

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commit suicide and meet those a-holes is hell

How far does a sloth go in a day?

not very far