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If there was absolutely no way for a maggot to get into the room, and no maggots or maggot eggs anywhere in the room or on your person, then there is no way for your body to become infested with maggots. Maggots are a living creature and they can't appear out of thin air, they have to come from somewhere.

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Q: If you die in a completely sanitary room would you get maggots?
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No, you probably had some sort of grain pest in the rice and you are seeing the larval stage.

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Yes! Although a room may appear clean on it's surface that does not necessarily mean it is "clean" in the sanitary aspect of the word.

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Yes, you can see yourself in a mirror in a completely dark room if your eyes have adjusted to the light yet.

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The best temperature range for storing dry good would be 50°F to 70°F (10°C to 21°C).

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