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No always but please take a pregnancy test. Go see your doctor if you do not have insurance go to your nearest clinic.

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Q: If you don't get your period one month are you pregnant?
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Are you pregnant if you dont have your period one month but you get it the month after that?

No you are not

Can you get pregnant if you had intercourse one week after your period with no protection but got your period the following month?

If you get your period you aren't pregnant.

To be pregnant and have a period one month but miss the next month?

Its not possible you dont have your period at all if you pregnant and you wont have a normal period if you are its possible that it wont even come on which is a missed period. Most women do mistake periods for implantation bleeding (spotting),which is not a period just because they see a red spot or they bleeding on and off their pregnant while their on there period, no it doesnt work that way if you having periods while your pregnant please get checked.

Does having your period twice in one month mean your pregnant?


No period for one month and pregnancy test says negative?

You are pregnant

Is having your period twice a month then spotting a sign of pregnancy?

No. The norm is that when you are pregnant you have no period. See a doctor about your hormones, having your period twice in one month is not normal.

Is a girl pregnant if they miss one period but get it the following month?

Not pregnant, but get a professional opinion about the reasons for missed periods.

Is it normal to have your period twice a month?

If your period arrives on the 1st of the month and then you have a second period on 28-31st of that month then this is normal. If your cycle is not like the one above then this isn't normal. Se your doctor as you may have a hormonal imbalance or be pregnant.

Can you still get your period one month into your pregnancy and not know your pregnant?

No you can not. Since the egg has been fertilized it does not leave the body, therefore there is no period.

If you had spotting and cramping the whole previous month due to skipping your period will you be getting it the following month or has it passed already?

Yes itwould finish itself off. Dont worry your body will keep its self regular like that . OR you might be pregnant. go get a test and find out, i had a friend who went throught the same thing. Had a light spotty period, and the next month she did not have one at all. When she took a pregnancy test she found out she was pregnant.

What if your period switch up days every month how do you know if you are pregnant?

It's normal for the length of a woman's period to vary from month to month. Anthing between about 26 days to 35 days between the first day of one period and the first day of the next period is normal. It is not reasonable to expect your period to come on the same day every month. You know if you are pregnant if your period is a week late and your pregnancy test is positive.

Can you be pregnant if you had a period one month and spot at the end of the same month?

no you can not but if your spotting and your already pregnent you might have a miscarrage. see your OB doctor.