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Q: If you flea bomb your apartment Do you need to ask the neighbors to leave their apartment too?
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How do you get fleas out of your car?

If your car is infested with fleas you will likely have to use a flea spray or flea bomb to eliminate all of them. After using the spray you will do a thorough cleaning of the car to remove any of the flea poison residue and air your car out.

How do you treat house for flea infestation?

go to the supper market and by a flea bomb

Is there a Flea bomb for the house that someone would recommend that is stronger than normal ones?

You are better off to get a proper exterminator that will use environmentally safe ways to rid your house of fleas. Do nottry using commercial Flea Bombs as they can leave poisonous residue on your furniture, carpets, etc.

Once a flea bites a dog dose it leave?

no it stays on the dog until u get some flea stuff

How long to return to house after flea bomb?

Times vary. Read labels. You did not say what brand.

If your old apartment had fleas and you are moving to a new apartment how do you prevent the fleas getting to the new apartment while moving?

Wash all of your clothing and vacuum your furniture before moving. Wash your pets with flea shampoo. Once you get your apartment set up, purchase some of the flea powder that interrupts the gestation of fleas. Continue to vacuum regularly (throw out the bag or wash the container each time). Fleas should be gone!

Is a flea bomb an effective way to kill fleas permanently?

A flea bomb is supposed to be an effective way to permanently kills fleas. However it does need close attention paid to the instructions and safety precautions because the chemicals involved can damage or affect animals and humans.

Flee bombing your lawn?

Your yard may also require attention as fleas are known to find their way. If you want to use a flea bomb (otherwise known as a flea fogger).

How long does a flea bomb treament last?

Only until it airs out- fogs are for contact kill only.

What can you do when you put flea Medicine on your cat and now he's freaking out It's like the fleas are attacking him more He's never done that before?

Get a flea collar, Flea Medicine around the back of his neck, and a flea bomb, use that in your house and stay out of there for 30 minutes or and hour, If fleas are in your house! open windows too!

Is your cat flea infested?

No, If yours is you should take it to a vet. but dont leave it outside.

How do you fumigate a mattress?

Take it off of the bed. Stand it on one side with gap between the mattress and the wall. Purchase a flea control aerosol bomb. Set the bomb off in the room (no fish or pets), close door and leave at least 4 hours before re entering the room. Pea Beau make one in Australia and so do Mortein.