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If you are pregnant, you have a baby growing inside you. The baby will be part of that weight (besides the placenta and all the other bits).

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Not if you havn't had sex that just means your getting fat. if you have had sex that's a possibilty.

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Q: If you gain 5 pounds in a month does that mean you could be pregnant?
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How much weight will you gain in the first month of being pregnant if your 89 pounds and 125 pounds?

In your first month of being pregnant if your 89 pounds and 125 pounds probably like 2 or 3 pounds depending on the person is like my cousin when she was pregnant she lost 20 pounds during hers maybe you will to.

How much do you gain every month of being pregnant?

Perfectly healthy, a pound or a little more every week. So about 4-8 pounds a month. I hope I helped!

How can you gain 85 pounds in a year?

cito gainer you gain like 15 pounds in a month

How soon do you gain weight if you are pregnant?

Third Month

How much weight should a pregnant women gain while pregnant?

200 pounds minimum.

You have gained 10 pounds in the last month since you had unprotected sex. You got your period. Could you be pregnant?

That would be very unlikely. Weight gain for most pregnant women is an average of 30-35 pounds over the nine months. The first 10lbs will usually take three whole months from time of conception. The sudden weight gain could be a combination of water weight, a sudden increase in bad diet, or a lack of exercise. Most importantly, recognize that having your monthly period return is the most certain sign that you are not pregnant.

How do you gain 20 pounds in one month?

eat poo for a week

How much should a pregnant weight should she expect to gain?

At the end of pregnancy woman gain approximatly 25 to 35 poundsBaby8 pounds Placenta2-3 pounds Amniotic fluid2-3 pounds Breast tissue2-3 pounds Blood supply4 pounds Fat stores for delivery and breastfeeding5-9 pounds Uterus increase2-5 pounds Total25 to 35 poundswoman gain 2 to 4 pounds during first three month than one pound a week for remainder of the pregnancy

How many pounds do you lose when you are bolymic for a month?

You don't. You actually gain weight.

How much weight can you gain in one month with creatine?

I have heard that the average weight gain you can get off of creatine in one month is around 10-15 pounds. The highest i have ever heard of was 20 pounds but the guy was huge to start with.

Can geritol help you gain weight?

I was using it to get pregnant but gained. 20 pounds

How do you gain 5-10 pounds in a day?

Impossible for permanent growth, it is however possible to gain 20 to 30 pounds of muscle in a month. However if you ate a lot of high calorie dense foods and water you could probably gain 3-5 pounds of fat in a day, although I recommend it. Leave me a message to learn how to get bigger faster and stronger