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Just plain selfish. Kick him to the curb for good . Be strong. You deserve better.

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Q: If you gave your spouse the last chance and he move back in why in Gods name he start having an affair again?
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Why i Had affair got divorced?

If you had an affair, your spouse must have had a very broken heart, and can not love you again, or trust you. what you do for pleasure with someone other than your spouse causes your spouse a great deal of pain, that's why it is usually frowned upon.

Is it possible to have a normal life again after a spouse has an affair?

It's possible with a serious comittment to change for the better. Conseling will help, and the cheating spouse better be prepared to have his/her behavior closely scrutinized until the faithful spouse feels secure again , no matter how long it takes.

Can someone return to a healthy relationship after the spouse had affair?

Definatly, it depends on the affair and how far the affair made, if the person is willing to take the person back and how they feel. It really just depends on the couple and if they are willing to try again.

If you are having an affair with a married women and she ends up your wife what are the odds she will cheat again?


Does the pain over your spouse affair have to last?

ANSWER:Does it? actually it will stop in time. But once in a while some flashback will hit you like a brick wall and once again it will be pain in your heart. If you still having problem how to forget your husband's affair, give yourself time. Remember time will help you ease the pain each time.

Can you love your spouse again unconditionally after his affair?

I'm not sure if a person can love someone unconditionally after his affair because first of all, you are disappointed at him. To build up trust and reliability, it could take a long time. however, if he truly apologizes and understands what he has done, and you forgive him for it, then you should at least try to love him. after all, he is your spouse.

Can you love again after an affair?

I think that it is possible to love again after an affair. I think you didn't stop loving, it's the anger and humiliation that hides the love...if you want to love again you have to forgive trully. It's not easy, takes work, but it's possible. Below there's a link to an article about how to forgive a spouse for cheating, it may be very helpful to you.

How can you survive an affair of your spouse and save your self respect?

If this is a one time affair your spouse has had then 'to err is human' and if they are remorseful you have a greater chance of saving your marriage. Instead of worrying about your self respect realize that percentages of affairs between married couples is high and that you are not the only person dealing with this problem. Take the bull by the horns and let your spouse know that you are not putting up with another affair and the both of you should seek counseling. The Counselor is not there to blame one or both partners, but to give the couple tools to help them through their marriage problems. Keep your head high because you were not the one that cheated and no matter how high the statistics of one spouse cheating on another it is still unacceptable in society. If your spouse has cheated more than once then pack then you are far better to file for divorce because the statistics are high they will cheat again.

How do you repair a marriage after an affair?

How? it will be very hard because the trust between man and his wife was broken. There are some couple that end up divorce because their life isn't the same anymore. And some will take very long time because the betrayed spouse will be afraid and wonder what if? could it? husband might do it again. It will be hard for the betrayed spouse to trust again especially if the guilty spouse was emotionally connected with his ex mistress. Repairing your marriage after the affair might happen but it will take you a long time.

How do you repair marriage after an affair?

How? it will be very hard because the trust between man and his wife was broken. There are some couple that end up divorce because their life isn't the same anymore. And some will take very long time because the betrayed spouse will be afraid and wonder what if? could it? husband might do it again. It will be hard for the betrayed spouse to trust again especially if the guilty spouse was emotionally connected with his ex mistress. Repairing your marriage after the affair might happen but it will take you a long time.

How can you restore your trust again after your spouse cheated the second time?

don't trust because if its the second time the chance has gone and so is the trust

Can a cheating fiance repent can she be given a second chance?

If the spouse really loves the person that cheated then they should give a 2nd chance to other. But if they cheat again then that's when you pull out the "sharp stuff"