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It is possible. Pre-ejaculate often contains sperm. It should be treated like it might be a disease carrying liquid.

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Q: If you get pre-ejaculate on your fingers and then touch yourself can you become pregnant?
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I'm guessing you mean you were 5 months pregnant and yes you can. You are highly fertile after for awhile due to hormones and need to protect yourself.

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No. You can not get pregnant that way. But you may injure yourself. It is better to talk to your family physician or your mother or your teacher. You need formal sex education.

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Yes, you could get pregnant You can also become infected with a sexually transmitted disease this way. If your boyfriend has so little consideration for you as to take such risks like this (the possiblity of becoming pregnant or giving you an STD), you may need to re-think your relationship with him.

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No it is not because you could eventually break your fingers it does become a habit try to challenge yourself to not crack your fingers for a whole day if you do that congratulate yourself by dong something special.Recent research is showing that people who do crack their knuckles may be more prone to arthritis in the future. This is a good reason not to do this.

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Can you get yourself pregnant?

No. You cannot get pregnant by yourself. That is impossible to do alone. You would have to have a guy or at least fresh sperm cells to help with that. It takes both sperm and an egg to make a baby. No. An egg and sperm is needed which have to come from two people - the egg from the female and the sperm from the male. No, there is no way to become pregnant by yourself. Pregnancy occurs when semen from a male enters the vagina of a woman, and then fertilizes an egg. If you have not had sexual intercourse, you cannot get pregnant.

When is a woman most likely to become to become pregnant?

A women can most likely become pregnant when she is ovulating.

Can a women still become pregnant even though she is not menstruating?

If she is ovulating, she can become pregnant. But that is the only way. If she is ovulating, she can become pregnant. But that is the only way.