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Yes it can harm you and possibly harm the baby. You load the immune system too much and with that loading something has to give. No professional body piercer will knowingly pierce anyone who is pregnant just for that reason. If you do have an infection in a piercing and you are pregnant see your doctor without delay.

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14y ago
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15y ago

No, you end up taxing the bodies ability to heal when you are pregnant and try to heal a piercing at the same time, you also open the body up to possible secondary infections which if they take hold can harm the unborn child. Wait till your child is born there will be plenty of time to pierce your nose later.

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12y ago

I would highly discourage doing this. Unless its a ear or toungue peirceing

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Q: If you get your nose pierced while your pregnant and you get an infection can it harm your baby?
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IT IS NOT SAFE TO GET PIERCED WHILE PREGNANT!If you go to a tattoo/piercing shop, one of the questions they ask before they'll touch you with a needle is "are you pregnant?"When you get pierced, it's a puncture wound, which is something your body repair. Chances are is that it will end up being alright, but why take chances? Just wait the nine months and do it when there are no risks whatsoever.From my opinion no. first of all, why would you even think of doing such a discuisting, stupid, and maybe even se*ual thing? Secondly, from what I've seen it is so gross and it makes your words unclear as if you were chewing tobacco. And last, if your pregnant, it will probably give you more pain than needed. That is, it's painful enough having a baby. And getting your toung pierced will probably hurt a lot more than having a baby. Take it from someone who cares about everyone in the world. P.S.- If you do get your toung pierced and still have it pierced as your child gets older, he/she will have bad influences on piercing thei body.

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