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yes baby im sorry girl i will pray for you and your new family

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Q: If you get your period a week after unsafe sex can you still be pregnant?
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Can you still get pregnant if you had your period a week ago?

Yes i think u can well i know u can because i am and i just had a period a week ago

Your period is 3 days late and you have been slightly cramping for about a week Could you be pregnant?

when you miss your period, and if you are pregnant, does your body still cramp like it does when you are starting your period?

Can you be pregnant if you miss your period and your test is negative and youwere on your period and had sex?

You can get pregnant a week before your period, the week of your period, and the week after your period, and some pregnancy tests are faulty.

Am you pregnant if you spot a week before your period?

If you have a period than you are not pregnant

You think you might be a week pregnant but started spotting can you still be pregnant?

If you are looking "not to be pregnant" you are probably in luck. Spotting is an early indication of a late period, in your case.

Do you hav to have your period to get pregnant?

No. You can get pregnant in the week(s) before your first period.

You are 17 and your period is a week early are you pregnant?

it always varies whaen you have your period. When you are pregnant you do not get a period.

Can you get pregnant at the beginning of your period but he uses a condom?

No. You can't get pregnant if your on your period! You could only get pregnant the week after your pregnant!

Can you get pregnant the same week your period ends?

Yes you can get pregnant the same time your period ends. You can even get pregnant while you are on your period

You took a pregnancy test 1 week after ovulating and it was negative sould you still be pregnant?

No, I don't think so, you shouldn't get pregnant whilst you are on your period.

Can you pregnant after a week your period?

You can pregnant at anytime before after or during

Can you have no period and negative pregnancy results and still be pregnant?

The negative pregnancy test is the defining answer, regarding pregnancy - once your period is a week or so late - if you are pregnant, the hCG will be high enough to be detected.