

If you get your tubes tied will your period be very heavy?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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18y ago

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Getting my tubes tied did not make my period any heavier. It did make it a bit irregular. I used to have it same day every month like clockwork. Now it comes 2 days to a week early every month.

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Q: If you get your tubes tied will your period be very heavy?
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Can you still get pregnant after tubes being tied had period 2 times this month?

Though very, very unlikely, you could in fact get pregnant even if your tubes are tied. The 2 periods in one month problem needs to be addressed by your physician if it continues next month.

How old do you have to be to get your tubes tied in Florida?

It depends. You have to go through extensive screening with a qualified doctor. The younger you are, the more extensive the screening. It also depends on why you want to have your tubes tied. Generally, there aren't any good doctors who will tie the tubes of any female under 35 unless the female in question has health problems which would make having her tubes tied a necessity. It also depends on the doctor. There are quacks everywhere so you have to be very careful. You should also know that if you have your tubes tied, you will still have your period.

You have your tubes tied only not cut or burned can you have a baby?

There is a very small chance.

When you were 20years instead of having your periods puss came out and you went to hospital and got cleaned and your tubes tied can you still have children?

If you really had your tubes tied(requires surgery) then it is very improbable that you would get pregnant.

Do pregnancy test work if your tubes are tied?

It is very rare to get pregnant after having the tubes tied, but if you would succeed a pregnancy test would react the same way as always.

What could be wrong if you had your tubes tied seven years ago and your periods have been regular but now you have not had a period in two months?

Tubal Ligation has nothing to do with menstruation. It is just blocking the fallopian tubes through surgery using one of several different methods.. A woman who has had her tubes tied will still have her period. The fallopian tubes are not connected to the uterus. Chances of being pregnant are very small, but the only way to know for sure is with a pregnancy test.

Could signs of pregnancy include having excessive burping in addition to tenderness in breasts and a very light period for last 2 cycles even if your tubes have been tied for about two and a half year?

You could be. no form of birth control is 100%. The only way to know is to test which you should do ASAP. Usually if a woman gets pregnant after having her tubes tied it is a tubal pregnancy where the baby implants in the tubes which can be dangerous. When I first got pregnant I burped all the time. Also, some women will have light implantation bleeding or very light bleeding when there period would be due.

Can you get pregnant after having tubes tied by c section 9 months ago.Could it be possible even still while breatsfeeding and started period and next month nothing. What are the chances if any?

If tubes are ligated properly - pregnancy should not be expected. In general during breastfeeding very often can be irregular cycles.

What does a misacarriage look like?

A very heavy period.

You had a still born child about 8 years ago after having 2 others really close together you had your tubes tied but now you really want to have another your period is late and you are hoping against?

If your fallopian tubes have been tied and cut then your chances of normal pregnancy are very slim indeed. You can still go through the process used in 'test tube' or 'in vitro' babies. Eggs can be harvested from your ovaries, fertilised outside your body and then implanted. Its expensive. Very expensive.

Can you have an ectopic pregnancy without your tubes ever being cut or tied?

Yes it is possible to have an etopic pregnancy without having your tubes cut or tied it is just that the egg gets fertilized in the tube without being in your uterus. It is very painful and is a simple procedure to have removed but very hard to determine when you dont know if you are pregnant or not

Can a tubal ligation come undone?

I have had my tubes tied now for about 5 yr's after my son was born we desided that 4 children were enough for have heard of your tubes coming untied yrs later but am not sure how true this may mother has had her tubes tied for 20 some yrs and she never had any problems with them