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Love both! It doesn't do for all the heartbreak love causes. Or secretly love the second.

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Q: If you go out with a guy like him but also have stronger feelings for another guy what should you do?
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well yes because you have feelings for both sexes i think that you should tell your boyfriend he will understand

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I also dont know,better luck next time

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Its already not fair or right for putting your wife in this position and your not doing her any favours staying with her at this point when your feelings, heart and head are with someone else. You inevitably have to do what you think is best but its also best to not lead your wife on anymore and do the decent thing and let her go.

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I am surprised by this question since it is a easy one but, Morphine is by far stronger. Percocet is based from Morphine, heroin is also based off of morphine. But they both have different feelings when taken but the morphine of that mg will blow a Percocet 5 away.So basically the Morphine allow stronger.

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He produces feelings if you a re from Ashton onnmersey reading this then you are not getting the annswer because it is not also feelings but another thing so bye

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she should accept the reaction of the guy, because first of all he may still be in shock at the time the girl confesses her feelings. she must also give space for the guy to analyze and acknowledge his own feelings

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you should but you should also have feelings, care & love her ... or else you're going out with her for no reason & it could be awkward and uncomfortable . ps: you shouldn't be shy & ask yourself if YOU are interested in her.