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Yes. A phsician can not do anything you don't want them to do. They can not "make" you do anything that you do not agree to no matter what it is.

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Q: If you go to a doctor for a check up and they have to look at your vagina and breast can you stop them?
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Is it illegal for a gynocologist boy or girl to look at a fourteen year olds vagina?

No. Part of a standard gynecological exam includes looking at the vagina. If the child comes to the doctor for a check up or for treatment, this would be necessary.

Why does your Vagina hurt when you open it to clean and look at?

you need to go to the doctor.

What does best features mean?

"Best features" refer to the most prominent or advantageous qualities or attributes of a product, service, or individual. These features are typically what set it apart from others and provide the most value to the user or customer.

Can a 17 year old have a lump to the right of the breast?

Yes, women as young as 17 have been diagnosed with breast cancer. I suggest you have a doctor look at it.

I have had my period but it doesn't look open. There is like stuff from my body there. Why isn't my vagina hole open?

you should see a doctor

What does the gyn do?

When you go for a gynecology appt., they will check to make sure of good reproductive health. First they will take your weight, height, and bp. Next, you'll go into a private room and will be asked to remove all of your clothing.(bra and panties) included. The doctor will talk to you about your menstruation cycle, sexual activity, birth control.. Next he/she will ask you to scoot your bottom down to the very end of the exam table. Next the doctor will help you adjust your feet in the stirrups (used to rest your legs) and then tell you to spread your legs open as wide as u can. This may feel uncomfortable but remember its all professional. With gloved hands she will examine the outside of your vagina.(the vulva,pelvis) they will check for warts,cysts. Next they will insert a speculum into ur vagina to get a better look at your cervix and ovaries. The speculum may be warmed so it's not cold on your skin. If ur having a pap smear they will brush and collect a sample from ur cervix. The doc will gently remove the speculum and move on. Shell lubricate two gloved fingers and insert them into your vagina. You may feel pressure, but it shouldn't hurt. When she does this she will push on your abdomen to feel the size and shape of your ovaries,xerox. Some people request a mirror to see what the doctor is doing at this stage. Next they will do a rectovaginal exam. The doc will put one finger in your rectim and one in ur vagina. This will check for abnormalities behind your vagina. Lastly they'll do a breast exam. The doc will push on your breast do check for lumps.. That's it:)

Is breast pain a sign of a serious problem?

It could be, you may want to talk to your doctor about it. One thing to look for is lumps You could have breast cancer. Also if you back is in pain take it easy for a while.

I have this sore on my vagina in kinda looks like a small burn or a sore on your hand It's between my vagina and anus I looked at pictures of stds but it didn't look like any of them?

dont take any chances...go to a doctor!

Where can you check symptoms for face pain?

I would suggest checking with your local doctor, however you can look it up on WebMD, Bettermedicine etc. You may also want to check with your local sinus doctor.

Where can I look to find a Bariatric doctor?

You can find out more about it here: Please be sure to check with your doctor to see if it is right for you.

What does 300 grams of breast tissue look like?

What does 300 grams of breast tissue look like