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It simply means that your cycles last less than 30 days. You should track your cycles and see if this is the case. every now and then i have two periods in one month simply because i have a 24 day cycle, and because i thought i just had irregular periods for the longest time it was difficult for me to get pregnant, as soon as i tracked my cycle and found 24 days as a result i ended up pregnant!

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Q: If you got a period in the beginning of the month and again at the end of the same month have odorless discharge and frequent urination what can this be a sign of?
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Thick white discharge during pregnancy is completely normal. It is because of increased estrogen production and greater blood flow to the vaginal area. This discharge is made up of secretions from the cervix and vagina, old cells from the walls of the vagina, and normal bacterial flora from the vagina. If the discharge has an odor and color I'd recommend seeing your doctor. If you are not pregnant then it could be yeast infection or leukorrhea - the odorless or mild-smelling milky discharge. !

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i dont think your pregnant..this is normal...maybe you will have your period luck (:

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Odorless - without scent or smell

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