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No. Fish are not warm blooded.

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Q: If you gut a fish you have just caught out the sea will it be warm inside?
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Is peee warm or cold?

It is Warm because it has just can out of your bladder which is inside your body and the inside of your body is warm so yeah it is warm

Which tool tells you how warm the water is inside the fish tank?

A thermometer. You can get them for a grrrreat price at

Where can warm water fish be found?

Well, there are many places that warm water fish can be found. Not suprisingly, they live in hot places such as the Bahamas and the Caribbean to name just two. The name of the fish is really the answer to where they live. Hot Country = warm water = warm water fish. Hope that helped Fishpert

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No. They are also refered to as Dorado and Dolphin fish. They are caught in many warm bodeis of water around the world.

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No there isn't. It is just warm melted chocolate inside.

What happens when your betts fish is in shock?

the fish needs to be in warm water that is just right. then leave the fish alone in peace and it will be fine.(:

Are lionfish warm blooded?

all fish aren't just cold blooded some are warm blooded to. Also a lionfish does exist just look it up on and a lion fish is real ID041510697. lion fish are real and have many different names such as scorpion fish and dragonfish

Is a fish col blooded or warm blooded?

A fish is warm-blooded.

Why is a bowel movement warm?

The inside of the body is warm. Therefore, anything that comes from inside the body is warm.

Are fish warm blooded or warm blooded?

Cold-blooded While most fish are cold blooded, not all are. Some fish - like the tuna - are warm blooded.

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Clown fish are cold-blooded.

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Very warm.