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get a hostage and threaten to kill them... make sure theyre young cause your gunna have to keep em till you die ( . ) ( . )

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Q: If you had permission to be in the US but you got a felony and their trying to deport you what can you do to stay?
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Can they deport your love one even if he has a green card?

There are any number of violations that can result in deportation. A green card is permission to stay and perhaps work or attend school, it is not a granting of citizenship or lifetime residency.

What are the reporting requirements of a county prosecutor when an illegal immigrant is convicted of an aggravated felony?

After conviction and after the completion of his prison sentence he will be turned over to INS. They will hold him until a deportation hearing is heard. He will be scored with his felony and prior record then the judge will decide to deport or let stay. Currently, this can be a very long process because of the case load.

How long does a Louisiana felony stay on your record?

A felony cannot be expunged from your record in Louisiana.

Can you get a class A felony exponged if it has been over 20 years?

Once you get a felony on your record it is their to stay, especially a class A felony.

If a illegal immigrant in prison has a felony well he be deported?

he will be turned over to INS after the completion of his prison sentence. They will hold him until a deportation hearing is heard. He will be scored with his felony and prior record then the judge will decide to deport or let stay. This can be a very long process because of the case load. What was the felony for? If it was violent he will most likely be deported. Have as many witnesses as possible for his character. And also be able to provide the referee judge with good family support, housing, and lined up work for him.

How can you deport someone who came in as a tourist and stay in this country illegally?

Report them to immigration with as much information as you can about their location and work.

What is a truant?

a truant is someone who stay away from school without permission. a truant is someone who stay away from school without permission.

Have felony charges and can not leave state without permission. If do and get caught what happens?

You may be charged with contempt of court, have your release agreement revoked and they stay in jail until both the contempt and the original charges go to court and are decided.

How long does a felony charge stay on your record in the state of ill?

Felony Charges Stay in your Specific State Permanently. They will also stay in your background for good too no matter if the Felony has been set aside from a Suspended Sentence or not. If you qualify under your state's law, you may want to try to get the Felony Charge Expunged later on down the road if you haven't committed any crime since the felony offense.

What is the average time a felony stays on your record?

A felony will stay on your record for life. Even if you expunge your record it will still be there.

How long does a Felony 4 for a DUI stay on record?

Most felonies will stay on your record indefinitely.