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i believe henrici slide

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Q: If you had to observe the detailed morphology of specise of mold hyphae is it better to use agar plate or henrici slide?
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Because of global warming humans will go extinct!!! So go out and save the world. Please stop polluting!!! Recycle, Reuse, and Reduce!!!but humans will be able to adapt to the new invirement? just like we have done for thousdands of years. becasuse humans have ability to change the invirement around them selves and that's why humans are the dominant specise on the planet Regretably it's our ability to change eath environments that is causing such great impoverishment within our biosphere and which if left unchecked will cause our extinction.George

Do great white sharks hunt at night?

Sharks can be diurnal or nocturnal. Some are both however most are one or the other. Also sharks don't actually go out and attack in the sense they are murdering something, they eat food like all animals do and because some humans have interfered (usually unintentionally) sharks have been thought of as killers. I'm pretty sure we have killed a lot more animals for food than sharks have killed us. Nevertheless we need to eat other aniamls to survive so we aren't doing anything wrong.

When praying mantises shed their skin will they die?

I can answer this, it happened to me before when I caught 2 Praying Mantis in a glass jar, this story might take awhile. I caught the 2 Praying Mantises and put them in a glass jar, put plastic wrap on the top and put the outside screw on thing on the jar, poked some holes at the top and let the jar sit in my garage for awhile. Like 1 or 2 weeks later, I found out one was gone, and the other one had left its skin in the jar and it was pretty white and that is how I know that Praying Mantis shed their skin.A:Yes they do. They shed clear yellow brownish exoskeletons. And afterwards they nearly double in size. And regarding to the first answer, the mantis probably didn't disappear but got eaten by the other one since it was left in a container for 1-2 weeks without food.A:Yes, mantises will shed their skins (exoskeleton) through out their lives...On average, they shed 7 times. You will see that they will not eat as much and also slow down 2-3 days before they shed. Then they will hang upside down and wiggle out of their shells. You will be surprised in the size difference!