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At least the same capacity, if not a little larger. Never smaller.

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Q: If you have a 4.0 cu washer how big should your dryer be?
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What Temperature on washer warm setting?

That will depend on the make of the washer. Warm is usually 30-40 degrees Celsius.

How big is a bamboo leaf?

very big you can get 40 bamboo crosses from one leaf so it should be pretty big!

How do you repair a dryer if it starts making a squealing sound?

It depends on the dryer but it sounds like the belt might be slipping or one of the drum rollers rubbing. Unplug dryer and see if you can access it workings from the bottom, if not remove the back dryer panel. You can try some 'Belt Dressing Spray - Found in automotive shops" on the dryer belt or some WD-40 on the drum rollers should it be one of them. If all else fails replace the dryer belt but that can be a bit of a job and it could be cheaper to just buy a new dryer.

How large are the jaws of a big shark?

A shark jaw should be 40 feet long

How do you clean tar out of dryer?

I use wd-40 to remove the tar, then 409 to remove remaining wd-40. It's flammable.

How do you remove lipstick from clothes after it has gone through the dryer?

saturate stain with WD-40 and rewash

How much water does a typical clothes washer use per rinse cycle?


How much power does the CHI Turbo Hair Dryer use?

A CHI Turbo Hair dryer is a 1300 watt electric hair dryer. With this it dries hair up to 40% quicker than other hair dryers of it's type. Powerful and popular.

What is the freezing point of windshield wiper fluid?

Windshield washer fluid has a freezing point of -40

Where can I find a parts washer from?

Automotive parts washers are pretty specialist machinery not commonly found in local stores. Amazon sells a compact 3.5 Gallon parts washer for $34 and a large 40 Gallon parts washer for $160.

How big is 40 by 40?

It is 1600 square units.

How big is 40 x 40?
