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Only UMD movies are region locked. UMD games are not region locked, so that would work fine.

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Q: If you have a PSP game from the UK would it work in a PSP from the us?
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Can you play PSP games bought in UK on an American bought PSP?

Yes I think you can. I think the psp is universal because I brought a game in the USA and i got my psp in New Zealand and it works. Yes you definitely can but the UMD movies are region coded and so if you bought a UMD from the UK and tried playing it on a American psp it would not work

What is the difference between an American PSP and a PSP?

the diffident between them is there region locked so if you get a American psp and you have a UK psn account and you try downloading a game or video it may not work the same for UMD moves

Will UK psp games work on Greek console?

Yes. PSP games are not region locked.

Does a psp work when bought from the US to the UK?

it will work regardless of where you bring it - it just may not be able to connect to their networks...

Do Spanish PSP games work on UK PSP?

There is no region locking on UMD games. Also the 'Spanish' version is simply the EU version so it's actually the same product as sold in the UK.

Can a UK pal game play in Australian console?

If it is on your pc, then I think you can. But on a ps3, wii, ds, xbox, or psp, no

Can you watch psp films bought in the UK on an American bought psp?

No, while PSP games are region free, the UMD movies are not. A UK UMD movie will not play on a US PSP.

Are PSPs and PSP games regionalized?

PSP consoles and games have regions, but the games are not region locked, you can play a game from the US on a console from the UK, for example. Movies however are region locked and can only be played on a PSP from the same region.

How much will you get for trading a psp in game?

If said question reffers to GAME in the UK if traded in it is £40, You will require the charger as well as the console HOWEVER if trading in more than 1 PSP and you have at least 1 Charger the value for each PSP without a Charger will be decreased as they will have to purchase more Chargers.

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Will American Xbox games work on UK Xbox console?

yes why would they call it an xbox game if that were the case

Can you play PSP games bought in the UK or Europe on an Australian bought PSP?

Yes, PSP games are not region locked, though PSP movies are.