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Yes; however, smoking can both cause coughing and irritate the esophagus and lungs ultimately causing coughing.

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Q: If you have a cough can you smoke?
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How do you remove cough?

Smoke a Cigarette.

What happens when you smoke a smoke after blazing?

the cigerettes taste a little bit strange and you might cough

How do you spell a word this is the meaning .if you smoke you will get a.?

Do you mean cancer? Or a cough? Or emphysema?

What did you use before the Smoke detector?

If awake you can see the smoke and smell the burning odor. If asleep you rely on your nose and if smoke is inhaled your cough warns you of fire.

Is coughing a Physical effects of marijuana?

Technically no. it's a reaction to the inhalation of smoke in general. Wether it's weed smoke, tobacco smoke, wood smoke or anything, it will make you cough if you inhale enough of it.

What makes the dry cough feeling?

Often, it is irritation caused by smoke and other pollutants.

What causes the smokers cough?

The smoke does because when you are around a bunch of smoke it makes it harder to breathe which causes you to cough so you can get all the bad stuff out of your system and breathe normally again.

You are a smoke and when you smoke you get a tingly feeling in your throat and you have to cough. anyone know how to stop the feeling?

You can stop the tingly feeling for good by simply stopping smoking.

What will happen if you mix catnip and weed And smoke it?

You'll cough and get high off the weed.... Dummy.

Do you cough the first time you smoke a cigar?

No. Just don't inhale.

Did President clintion smoke weed?

Lol He was the man who "smoked but didn't inhale" *cough *coughbullshi* cough:P