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Probably not. Just because you have both sets of sex organs, it doesn't mean they are complete. One of the most common manifestations of this is an enlarged clitoris. There are no testes, just a clitoris nearly large enough to be a penis. You might have a penis and a vagina and lack testes and/or ovaries, or you may have gonads that are in between.

The next obstacle to having an intersex condition and impregnating yourself is the fact that you would not be able to get your penis in your vagina.

Finally, one other obstacle is possible birth conditions. Not only could you possibly pass on your condition to another human being, the resulting offspring could be deformed in other ways. That is similar to what happens with inbreeding. It would be possible to pass on two bad copies of a given gene if something bad runs in your family. Just because you could in theory impregnate yourself doesn't mean you should actually attempt to do so.

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Q: If you have a penis and a vagina can you have your own baby?
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Consent, communication, and mutual exploration are key in intimate situations. It's important for both partners to have open discussions about desires, boundaries, and comfort levels. Using lubrication and engaging in foreplay can also help with ease of penetration.

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a penis. and a vagina. :o

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male inserts his penis into his female partner's vagina.

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If he has both a vagina and a penis.

What if your penis is to big for the vagina?

Its ok. You can still have sex. You can force the penis inside the vagina coz th vagina is an elastical part of the body. adndin the uterus the baby can fit what are the penis, sure thing it will also.

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penis and vagina real hard baby!

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put your penis in her vagina! SEXYYYYYYY (oh baby)

From where does a baby come from?

when a man inserts his penis into awoman's vagina he fertilizes the woman's egg with his sperm and 9 months later she births a baby from her vagina

How does a person have a baby?

By having sex and sticking your erect penis into a woman's vagina and ejaculating, releasing semen into her vagina.