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Take some pepto bismal.

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Q: If you have a pooping problem what should you do?
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What problem did wealthy Romans have?

they had i bad time pooping it hurt when they pooped

Should I spank my dog for pooping in the house?

Yes you should

Is it okay to give magnesium to children who have pooping problems?

It depends on the cause of the problem.

Should you be worried if your teenager enjoys pooping in his pants?

Yes, a parent should be concerned if a teenager insists on pooping in his pants. The parent should first take their son to the family doctor to be sure there is nothing wrong physically and if all goes well then the teenager should be sent to a child psychologist to get to the root of the problem.

Should you bleed from the anus after pooping?

I'm going to safely answer no! you should not

You spit up blood every morning should you worry?

Yes, go to the doctor and he will tell you what to do next. Spitting blood is a problem.

What is the problem in the book johnny tremain?

The problem in Johnny Tremain is that Johnny has a hard time pooping and learns he's constipated.

Why my vet says my puppy s are healthy why do they have the poops everyday?

They should be pooping every day, what were you expecting? Or are you saying that they aren't housebroken? That isn't a vet problem, it's a training problem, and puppies are likely to have "accidents" for some time.

What could be the reason your dog is pooping white stringy things?

could be worms, or perhaps a liver problem.

Is pooping nasty?

Yes pooping is nasty

What should you do if your poop comes out orange?

tell a parent about your pooping issue and then they'll take it from there.

Why are you pooping blue?

If you're pooping blue...something's wrong with you.