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Yes, you can. Students do this all the time. Technically, your student loans are are deferred until 6 months after you graduate or drop out of school at which time you will begin repaying all of the loans.

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Q: If you have a student loan that's deferred can you open another student loan?
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Related questions

What is better a student loan or a parent plus loan?

Only a parent can apply for a parent loan. the payment plan for a student loan can be deferred until after graduation. It all depends on who is paying the loan off, the student or the parent

How will a deferred payment look on your credit?

If it is a student loan, there will be a statement on the credit report. It will also show the date that payments were deferred.

Do you have to be a full time student in order to defer your student loans?

You can defer your student loan payments while in school. Typically student loan payments are not deferred due to employment status.

Is there any law or authority on how a credit agency can score for a deffered student loan and this is not un unpaid loan just deferred?


What is deferred period?

A deferred period is a set period of time over which something has been delayed by agreement, for example... His student loan payments were deferred for a further twelve months.

If you already have a student loan with a bank can you get another student loan with another bank at the same time?

Yes, you can have as many loans at as many banks as will give you credit. "Student Loans" are simply loans that have an additional requirement that you attend school while the payment portion is deferred. Of course you will have a tough to impossible time getting a second bank to give you a loan because they would want to understand why you did not go back to the original student loan bank.

Can you sill get a student loan if your in deferment on another student loan?


Can you can be repo behind a deferred payment plan?

No. Because the loan is deferred. meaning its post poned. which means you should not have to make payments until they change the status of the loan deferrement. Ex: with my student loans they are deferred until I'm done with college or i stop going to school

Which of these makes a student loan different from other types of loans?

Students don't have to provide any collateral to get a student loan. On some student loans, payment may be deferred until the student is out of college.

Can the IRS take you tax refund if you have a defered student loan?

If it is in deferred status, they will probably not take your tax refund. If your student loan is delinquent, then they will be seize your refund and put it toward your debt.

What is the definition of student loan?

student loan is designed to help students pay for college tuition, books, and living expenses. It differs from other types of loans in that the interest rate is substantially lower and the repayment schedule is deferred while the student is still in school. ...

Is payment still deferred when continuing to doctorates?

Yes, as long as you stay in school, the student loan remains deferred. Still, be careful of the interest rates, for it may continue to accumulated even though your in school.