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Files are hidden

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Q: If you have access to an SSN but do not have permission to view certain folders or documents in that SSN those folders and documents will be what in IPERMS?
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In iPerms on the search results screen what does the documents column show?

The documents column in iPERMS search results shows the number of documents associated with each record. This column provides a quick overview of how many documents are linked to a particular item in the search results.

When you are scanning documents what must you do before finishing a batch in iPERMS?

Make sure all documents were scanned

When you are scanning documents what must you do before finishing a batch IPERMS?

Make sure all documents were scanned

What documents show in the iPERMS search results screen?

Number of Documents an Authorized Official is authorized to see

When you are scanning documents in iperms what must you do before finishing a batch?

Make sure all documents were scanned

What methods cannot be used to group documents on iperms?

SID Code

Is it true that the ability to see Soldier Records is restricted by an iPERMS rule to allow a specific group of Soldiers and set of documents?


Is the ability to see a soldier records restricted by an iperms rule to allow a specific group of soldiers and set of documents?


In iPERMS Indexing which data fields are required?

For iPERMS Indexing, the data fields that are commonly required include the Soldier's name, Social Security Number (SSN), document type, document date, and document title. These fields are important for correctly identifying and categorizing documents within the system.

What is the index validation used for in iperms?

IT is used to upload any docs on a SM IPERMS records.

Who can assign the role of scan operator to an iperms?

The Domain Administrator can assign the role of scan operator to an iperms user.

Who can assign the role of scan operator to an iperms user?

The Domain Administrator can assign the role of scan operator to an iperms user.