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It depends how many months, but just to be sure, you should always tell your doctor right away, for safety of you and your baby.

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Q: If you have been having diarrhea for 3 days now and after an exam you started bleeding pink and brown blood how close is labor?
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why am i bleeding heavy and having blood clots ? i even bleed thourgh my tapons

I'm 12 weeks pregnant.and i started bleeding heavy.Should i be passing tissue and having blood clots?

Probably not, but you should be asking your doctor, and not the internet folks.

Causes of bleeding when 4 weeks pregnant?

All depends on what bleeding you are having, I't might be implantation bleeding if it is little, pinkinsh or brown. If there is a lot of blood and you have pain you might be having a miscarraige. Contact you care giver for advise.

What is the medical term bleeding?

Bleeding is the medical term for bleeding. In days gone by, the term exsanguinating was used.

What causes the stool to be pure blood?

If any part of the digestive system is bleeding , then your stool will have blood in it. The stool forms and passes through your intestines, bowels, etc , and if you are having issues with bleeding- then obviously the blood will pass down with the stool when it exits your rectum.

What happens if i don't see my doctor if i was bleeding heavily and started having large blood clots?

You see the doctor to find out if everything has come out or not. if it hasn't you need a D&C or you will get infections and can even end up sterile and with blood poisoning which can lead to death if you don't have them treated.

Is bleeding a side effect of radiation to the cervical area?

Yes, abnormal bleeding, or having blood in your urine is a symptom of cervical cancer.

Does bleeding in the early stages of pregnancy mean you are having a miscarriage?

I was bleeding red blood but then brown blood does that mean I'm having a miscarriage? Ans: Not necessarily, you didn't say how far along you were, but it could be implantation bleeding, irritated cervix (from intercourse, exam, etc) or could be old blood which was in place to protect the pregnancy in it's earliest stages, but the growing uterus expelled it. If you are still worried, go see your doc.

What does it mean to have very dark brown diarrhea in dogs?

I just took my dog home from the vet yesterday because he ate my Garmin charger and had been having diarrhea. One of the questions the vet asked is the diarrhea very dark, because that could be blood in his stool

What is the medical definition of bleeding?

bleeding is the escape of blood; lost of blood from a vascular system

If i spoted for few spots can this be implantation bleeding?

It may be possible. If that bleeding is a small amount and light red or brownish in colour, then it's most likely implantation.Congratulations!! Answer yes or just old blood from period or blood from having rough sex really.

How does death from untreated pellagra occur?

Often, death is due to complications from infections, massive malnutrition brought on by continuous diarrhea, blood loss due to bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract, or severe encephalopathic syndrome.