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It could be. There's probably a reason why you asked specifically about latex. If the rash appears where you touch something particular (eg latex gloves) on a regular basis - that could be causing the reaction.

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Q: If you have broken out with bumps on your hand with a small dot in the middle of each bump could it be a latex allergy?
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If they are little bumps, perhaps you have an allergy to the oils/scents used to massage you. Also the bumps could be white-heads caused by the oil clogging your pores.

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Go get a lotion at the drug store and then call your doctor. It could be an allergy or something else.

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It depends on what bumps you are asking about. Bumps on a teen age girl could be a wide variety of things, including pimples, breasts, skin cysts, tumors, goose bumps, bug bite reaction, allergy reaction, or a lump on the body caused by a blow/hit.

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There are a few things that could be happening when a cluster of small white bumps appear. You may actually just be having an allergic reaction and simple allergy medicine should fix this.

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Go see a doctor. If you have them in other places you could have an allergy to a soap you are using either by bathing or in the laundry. So you could change soaps. Try an over the counter cream to help clear your bumps.

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A rash on your skiing could be a symptom for an allergy. A runny or itchy nose could be a symptom for an allergy also. Congestion is something to look for also.

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Small red bumps on the skin could be signs of rashes or measles. It could also be a precursor to acne problems.

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The cluster of little bumps under both your cat's armpits could be a heat rash. A little antibacterial cream might heal the bumps.

What is it by having bumps on the buttocks?

Yes! Sometimes they become painful if its in an area u must sit on or they can b located on ur bottom bikini area. Most likely frm shaving but not always. It can b from totally differnt circumstances.

What kind of rash is it when you see small bumps and you itch so bad that you could claw your skin off?

Or it could be hives or heat rash ..I would see a Doctor not scratch it If the rash is localised to a specific area, it could be irritant contact eczema - which means avoid the irritant ie. washing detergents or cleaning agents. You will normally get redness + the small bumps. If the rash is everywhere on the body could be allergic contact eczema -> avoid the allergy ie. new medication/food allergy/ bad reaction to pollen? But really it is too hard to diagnose with the information you have given us... in general see your doctor if it gets worse, *avoid scratching it* as this will make it worse, and use a moisturiser to keep the skin moist.

What is a sentence that rhymes with energy?

one could be allergy