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It could do, but not necessarily. It could depend on how hard you banged your head and also the cause of your seizures.

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Q: If you have epilepsy and bang your head can it make seizures worse?
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Who are the most common carriers of epilepsy?

There are no "carriers" of epilepsy. It is not an infection or a contagious disease. You cannot catch epilepsy from someone. It can however be genetic, but only in rare cases, There are many forms and many causes of epilepsy. It is not really a single condition. Epilepsy is a word that covers all of them. It is defined as the tendency to have recurring seizures. Many different things can cause seizures. You could have seizures as a result of a head injury for example. Other people would get their seizures for completely different reasons.

Will you have epilepsy for life?

Not necessarily. It will depend on the type and cause of epilepsy. Some children get epilepsy which stops when they grow up. Some people get epilepsy as a result of a head injury. If the head injury heals their seizures may stop. Some people will have their epilepsy for life. They could have it for all of their life, or get it at some point and then have it for the rest of their life. Epilepsy can be controlled by medication, so some people get their epilepsy under control and if they stick to looking after themselves, they will not have seizures although technically they still have epilepsy. Each case is different and it has to be monitored by the person and their doctor.

Can a 4 year old get epilepsy after getting a head injury a month before having seizures?

A head injury can cause seizures at any age. This is one of the reasons why when a child bangs their head, they should be checked out

can epilepsy be detected in a fetus?

It is not detected in a foetus and it would not be looked for. Epilepsy is diagnosed by someone having recurring seizures. It is not a disease like an infection that can be detected. People are not necessarily born with Epilepsy. Epilepsy is a generic term that covers a wide range of problems that cause seizures. Anyone that has seizures gets them for their own particular reasons. Not everyone gets them for the same reasons. A person could be in an accident and receive a head injury and as a result start to have seizures. Seizures come from a wide range of causes and a wide range of severity. Flashing lights are known to cause seizures, but that is only in about 3% to 5% of people who have Epilepsy, not all people who have it.

Is epilepsy caused by a virus?

No. Epilepsy is not an infectious disease that you can catch from someone or through a virus. It is a physical ailment, affecting electronic activity in the brain There are various causes for that, but a virus would not be amongst them. Unless a virus could cause some physical damage to the brain, there is no way it can cause epilepsy.

How do you become epileptic free?

There are many forms of epilepsy and levels of severity. Some people that get epilepsy when they are young stop having seizures when they are older. Some people get epilepsy as a result of a head injury and that in time can improve and so they stop having seizures. Some people can have surgery which can cure their epilepsy, though that would only be considered in very extreme circumstances. Some people will have epilepsy for the rest of their lives and it can't be cured. Some will have controlled by medication so they may not get many or any seizures, though they will still have epilepsy.

How many chromosomes does a person have if they have epilepsy?

Like anyone, a person with epilepsy has 23 pairs of chromosomes. The causes for epilepsy are wide and varied and although it can be inherited, for most people the causes are nothing to do with genetics. The brain is a very complex organ and so many things can go wrong, and some of these things can cause seizures. If you were in an accident and sustained a head injury, it is possible that you would start to have seizures for example. If you have a number of seizures, then you would be diagnosed as having epilepsy. Anyone can have a seizure at any time. Lots of people will have a seizure at some point in their life. People that have epilepsy are people that have seizures several times. So chromosomes have little to do with epilepsy.

Can you out grow epilepsy?

You can't grow out of epilepsy as such but seizures and electrical impulses in an epileptic person's brain can reduce. You'll never fully grow out of them though but they can become less frequent.

Can Epilepsy Be Caused By Whiplash?

If someone was to sustain a head injury in an accident, it could potentially lead to epilepsy. So in the course of getting whiplash, it is possible to sustain a head injury and that could result in epilepsy. For individual cases a lot of examination would have to go into finding out what exactly happened and can the seizures be attributed to the head injury.

What are some possible causes of seizures other than epilepsy?

If someone gets recurring seizures, they are said to have epilepsy. The causes of individual seizures can be the same. It is just that someone only gets one once or a small amount of times. So causes could be a head injury, trauma, a temporary chemical imbalance in the brain, a brain tumour and many other things.

What is a sentence with the word 'epilepsy'?

Today, most forms of epilepsy can be controlled with medications.Epilepsy can cause many types of seizures.In historical times, people believed that anyone with epilepsy had a spiritual problem.

Can you have seizures from a head injury seizures that dont show up on an eeg?

Yes, it is quite common for those who have Partial Epilepsy for EEG's and MRI's to be clear as the section is not thin enough or only a small part of the brain is affected.