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Q: If you have escaped Bermuda triangle there are spirits you have seen?
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Was there ever a sighting of nessi monster in Bermuda triangle?

Yes it is real, the Nessie lives in the loch ness not the Bermuda triangle. If a Nessie like monster was seen in the Bermuda triangle, it wouldn't be the Nessie.

How do you escape the Bermuda triangle?

There is no answer to that question because the Bermuda triangle is a mysterious triangle that make people, boats, aircraft and ect mysteriously disappear and after years and years we have not seen them any more.

What did Amelia Earhart's husband do when she was never found again?

Amelia Earhart flew into the Bermuda Triangle around her 20s and was never seen again. People were amazed about it. She didn't have a husband when she flew into the Bermuda Triangle

What is the Bermuda triange?

The Bermuda Triangle is a made of three island. It is said that ships and planes that go through it vanish unexpectedly. Never to be seen again.

Is the Bermuda Triangle haunted?

The Bermuda Triangle is haunted by conspiracy theorists only. Everyone else in that area lead normal lives.

Where is the Bermuda Triangle located?

The Bermuda Triangle covers just over 932,000 square miles of open seas in the Atlantic Ocean and has its three points falling near Florida's Atlantic coast, Puerto Rico, and the mid-Atlantic island of Bermuda.With new cases being reported every year, the triangle basically has grown spikes on all three sides resulting in the Bermuda triangle no longer being a triangle.At one apex, Florida's Atlantic coast, there have been reports of small aircraft disappearances over land. The Bermuda Triangle is not located on any continent.See the related links below for more information and a map of the area.

Is there any way that aliens control the Bermuda triangle?

it has been quoted that strange lights and strange craft have been seen in this place, people, aircraft and ships have vanished from the face of the could be

Where did the Bermuda triangle start?

The first record that suggested that there was something unusual about disappearances in the area of Bermuda was an Associated Press article by Edward Van Winkle Jones in 1950. The first use of the term was in a 1964 article with a similar theme that was published in 'Argosy' by Vincent Gaddis called 'The Deadly Bermuda Triangle'. Then in 1974, two books were published, 'The Bermuda Triangle' by Charles Berlits and 'The Devil's Triangle' by Richard Winer. These books turned out to be very popular and the idea caught on, making this an excellent subject to sell books and magazines. These two books were the source for the popular terms.

Are bad spirits black?

Spirits cannot be seen, therefore they are of no color. By the way, God is a spirit.

What are facts about bermuda triangle?

WE WONT TELLMore than 66 aircraft and ships have disappeared in the Bermuda Triangle, like the Mary Celeste which sunk in 1872, Fight 19 which disappeared in 1945, and the Marine Sulpher Queen Ship which sunk in 1963. The Bermuda Triangle is also known as the Devil's Triangle, Hoodoo Sea, and Limbo of the Lost. The Navy has never believed in the Bermuda Triangle. Reports of strange sightings in the Bermuda Triangle have been reported since Christopher Columbus on his journey to the New World in 1492.Monkeys fling poos at you.It's not that crazy, it's just a normal place.When Going Through The Bermuda Triangle All Navigation Devices (Compass, Radar , Etc.) Will Go Haywire (Not Work Correctly). They Are Said To Spin Around Numerous Times (Compass) And The Radar Is Said To Just Stop Cycling To Find Ships, Planes Or Anything.The Bermuda triangle is one of the most mysterious and dangerous areas of the earth's oceans, blamed, for the disappearance of over 2,000 ships and 75 airplanes through a rather short period of three centuries.The first known documentation ofstrange phenomenon in the Bermuda Triangle was recorded by the famed explorer Christopher Columbus in October 1492, when he and his crew was said to have passed through the area. On the eleventh of October of that year, Columbus recorded in his log book that his crew had seen "strange dancing lights on the horizon", "flames in the sky", and later recorded that he had observed bizarre compass bearings in the area.This was the first known recording of any strange occurrences in the triangle leading to the discovery of the New World in 1492, but it was not the last. After the discovery by Spain and Portugal that the New World could be a source of valuable minerals and abundant resources, the countries sent galleons to transport the materials from the New World back to Europe.

When is the first reported lost plane in Bermuda Triangle?

One of the first disappearances on record was in 1812. Vice President Aaron Burr's daughter, Theodosia Burr, was sailing on the ship the patriot headed for New York, but it never reached it's destination. To this day no one has seen the ship.

How many spirits of fate are there?

There are typically three spirits of fate, representing the past, present, and future. These spirits are often seen in mythology, folklore, and literature guiding or influencing the destinies of individuals.