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Current recommendations are for women thirty and over to have a combination of Pap smear and HPV test. If both of these are normal, the next pap smear is due in five years. This strategy for screening decreases the number of false positives and false negatives. Talk with your health care provider for advice specific to your situation and history.

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The pap smear looks for changes in the cells, typically caused by HPV. A positive HPV test is part of the screening process for Cervical cancer as well. If you have a normal pap smear with a positive high-risk HPV test, then you have a high-risk HPV infection on the cervix, but it has not caused any cellular damage. Ask your health care provider what follow-up is required given your age and pap history.

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If you have had normal Pap smears, you don't need to to get the HPV test. It might be a good idea in any case.

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Yes. A pap smear looks for damage caused by HPV. Not all HPV subtypes cause abnormal paps. You can have HPV but not have an abnormal pap smear.

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Q: If you have had normal pap smears should you get an hpv test?
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How accurate are hpv tests if you don't have any symptoms yet?

There is no commercially available test to tell someone they don't have HPV. An HPV test is sometimes done in conjunction with a Pap smear. This test looks for high-risk HPV subtypes on the cervix. It can't tell you that you don't have HPV. Most people contract HPV soon after becoming sexually active. If you are sexually active, you have probably been exposed to HPV. There is nothing special you need to do if you have HPV. You should consider getting the HPV vaccine, using condoms or abstaining from sex, and, if you're female, should get pap smears regularly as advised by your women's health care provider.

Can a lady have hpv for years before showing up on a pap smears?

Yes, it's common for HPV to cause problems on pap smears many years after infection. HPV on a pap smear does not tell you when infection occurred.

Does a normal cervical biopsy and normal colposcopy rule out HPV even if your Pap was abnormal?

A pap test is just a pre screening to cervical cancer. If the pap test was abnormal, it only indicates an abnormal cell growth on the cervix. A separate test called the HPV test needs to be done to rule out HPV. It is not normally offered or routinely done, it is something that you would have to ask for. You would have been notified if a test was done and you tested positive for HPV. If there was any kind of abnormality during the pap test and the cervical and colposcopy came out normal, you should err on the safe side and still request an HPV test if you suspect you have it.

Can you transmit HPV if you've had normal paps for two years?

Yes you can still pass it on to your partner if you have unprotected sex. A pap smear can't tell you if you do or don't have HPV. A pap smear only looks for damage to the cells of the cervix caused by high-risk HPV. For instance, people with genital warts can have normal Pap smears.

What age can you be treated for hpv?

A woman can contract HPV the first time she engages in intercourse. Once a female is sexually active, she should receive regular PAP smears. If the cells are abnormal, it could be HPV. It can occur and be treated at any age.

Should you tell your partner you have hpv?

Yes you do need to tell your partner you are infected with HPV.You need to tell him cause you could give him HPV.

Do you need to go for cervical smears if you have had the HPV vaccine?

Yes, you do. The HPV vaccine is excellent and covers many strains of the HPV virus, and the strains included in the shot are the ones most likely to cause cervical cancer. It is very, very effective. But you need PAP smears still because: 1. Not all strains of HPV are in the vaccine, so even though it would be rare you could still get a form of HPV and go on to develop cervical cancer. 2. Not all cervical cancers are caused by HPV (though many are).

What stage of HPV makes your doctor want a pap smear every 3 months?

There are no "HPV stages," and no recognized guidelines in use in the US that call for pap smears every three months. Contact your health care provider for more information about your diagnosis and test results, then get a second opinion.

Are pap smear and smear the same?

A pap smear looks for signs of cervical cancer or precancerous problems on the cervix. It's meant to show which patients need further screening for these conditions. An HPV test done at the same time or just after the pap is typically done to look for high-risk (cancer causing) HPV subtypes. It may be ordered with or after the pap based on a woman's age, her pap history, or due to an inconclusive pap result. A negative HPV test in this context only says that the cervix is not infected with high-risk HPV subtypes; a negative test doesn't mean you don't have HPV, but just that there's no high-risk HPV on the cervix.

How are males tested for HPV?

Males are tested for HPV just like females. The test is a blood test.

If you test hpv negative but have abnormal cells could you still have hpv?

The HPV test that may be done as a followup to an abnormal pap looks for high-risk (cancer causing) HPV. If the test is negative, you don't have high-risk HPV on the cervix, but you may be infected with low risk HPV subtypes, or infected in another location.

Is it normal when being diagnosed with HPV to have 18 strains of the infection?

This really something you should discuss with the doctor.