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genital herpies arnt that bad its fun cuz now you can share them i gave it to all three of my cuzin

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Are you talking about HSV 2?

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yes, haven't you seen the commercials?

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Q: If you have herpes can you pass it to your partner if you have never had an outbreak?
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What is HSV 2?

HSV 1 is the virus that causes oral herpes which is what causes cold sores and fever blisters on the mouth. HSV2 causes genital herpes, usually located on the genitals, inner thighs, buttocks or anus. But HSV1 can affect the genitals. If some one with a visible cold sore gives their partner oral sex they could pass cold sores to their partners genitals. Also HSV2 can affect the mouth. If some one gives their partner oral sex around the time they have a break out of herpes then they could pass genital herpes to their partners mouth.

Can you pass the cold sore virus onto someone by kissing them even if you don't have one at the moment Or can it only be transmitted if you have a cold sore on your lip?

yes you could pass it on fast to your partner. Yes. Some people are 'asymptomatic' which means they don't have any signs. i.e a coldsore/herpes but can still be shedding the virus and be infectious. Herpes can remain dormant for years, so it is also possible your partner has had it for a long time and is only having their first outbreak now. It doesn't necessarily mean you gave it to them.

Can a baby be born with herpes?

If you have herpes 3 months prior to getting pregnant, you body has developed antibodies and it is less likely that you would pass it to the fetus. If you get infected while pregnant you could pass it to the fetus. It is important if you have herpes that you let your doctor know. Herpes is typically transferred to the baby during labor through the birth canal. If you have an outbreak during labor they will do a C-Section.

If you have hurpes can you still get pregnant?

Absolutely YES! Genital herpes may be passed from one person to another through close physical contact. This means sex and practically anything else that can lead to sex. This includes kissing, oral sex, anal sex, etcetera. Genital herpes does not keep you from getting pregnant. In fact, if you or your partner have genital herpes you should see a doctor immediately. The doctor can show you how to use safer birth control so you don't pass the herpes virus to each other (or anyone else) and do his/her best to make sure you don't get pregnant. Babies born to mothers with Herpes generally contract herpes when they are born from the vagina. Many times, women with genital herpes are forced to have a caesarean delivery (when they cut her tummy open and get the baby out) just to protect the baby from getting Herpes. This is VERY SERIOUS! See a doctor and learn what to do to protect yourself and your partner and NOT get pregnant until you learn more.

Which condition is characterized by blister-like sores on the lip and adjacent tissues?

herpes labialischeilosisHerpes Labialisfacial herpes, which Is highly contagious, if the blisters are draining or popped, you can pass the virus trip another person by using the same utensils,kiss and you can even pass the virus from oral satisfaction causing"genital herpes"

If you get treated and your partner doesn't can they pass it back to you again?

Yes. If your partner is inflected with a disease, and is not treated for that disease, then your partner can give it back to you. Of course, not all diseases are curable. Not all diseases can be cured with treatments. If you are cured of a disease, and your partner who is inflected, is not cured, your partner can pass that communicable disease back to you again.

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How long to wait to kiss after a fever blister is healed?

After a cold sore outbreak has been overcome it can take up to 14 days for the Herpes Simplex Virus (the virus that is constantly in the body and incurable that causes cold sores) to become dormant again. Within this period it is all to easy to spread the cold sore or for the outbreak to come back!

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A partner that has Aids can pass that to another partner through sexual activity. Yes, it is possible.

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Hi crackhead get a life!

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If I kiss someone with a cold sore what's going to happen?

If you kiss someone with a cold sore/herpes virus sore, that person will contract the herpes virus. You are contagious with and without an outbreak. If you think you have cold sores or herpes, which they're basically the same thing, make an appointment with your doctor and have it checked. There's no cure, but there are ways to control the virus so that the outbreaks happen less and for a shorter time period. A herpes outbreak last from 5 to 14 days and once you contract the virus, it will remain in your body even if you don't have an outbreak. If you do have herpes, you are not alone. One in five Americans have the virus. However, educate yourself on the virus so that you don't spread it to others or to other parts of your body like your eyes and genitals. Be safe and smart.