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Using anaerobic respiration

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Q: If you have isolated a bacterium that grows in a medium containing an organic substrate and nitrate in the absence of oxygen The nitrate is reduced to nitrogen gas This bacterium is?
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What is a example of a bacterium?

An example of nitrogen-fixation bacterium is Rhizobia.

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What is an example of a nitrogen-fixation bacterium?

Nitrification can occur in drinking water. In water distribution systems where chloramines are used as the secondary disinfectant, the presence of free ammonia can sometimes act as a substrate for ammonia-oxidizing microorganisms. The subsequent reactions can lead to the depletion of the disinfectant residual in the system.

Which bacterium causes nitrogen fixation?


What is the decomposition of nitrogen containing molecules into ammonia?

Ammonification is the decomposition of nitrogen containing molecules into ammonia.

What is the purpose of soda lime in the detection of nitrogen in nitrogen containing compounds?

It is used to liberate or emancipate ammonia from Nitrogen-containing compounds

Why don't legumes need nitrogen-containing fertillizers?

Legumes "fix" nitrogen in nodules on their roots, so they do not need additional nitrogen-containing fertilizers.

Why don't legumes need nitrogen-containing fertilizers?

Legumes "fix" nitrogen in nodules on their roots, so they do not need additional nitrogen-containing fertilizers.

Where in Scotland was nitrogen discovered?

Nitrogen was first isolated by Daniel Rutherford in Edinburgh University.

What is the name for special compounds containing nitrogen and oxygen?

The special compound containing both nitrogen and oxygen is known as 'nitrates'.

What are synonyms of nitrous?

Containing nitrogen

What is the combining form for nitrogen?

Nitrogen- is the combining form for nitrogen. For instance, nitrogenous means containing or related to nitrogen.