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Yes, but you're still putting the other person at risk for getting the herpes simplex 1 virus if they don't already get cold sores (meaning that they have the virus). Transmission of the virus wouldn't be immediately evident, it may remain dormant until the person is sick, stressed, etc., triggering an outbreak.

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Q: If you have no cold sores around or in your mouth can you kiss someone?
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Can Flucloxacillin be used when you have VERY bad cold-sores all around your mouth?

Probably not the best thing to use on cold sores around the mouth. It's more used to treat bacterial infections, and cold sores are caused by a virus. It may help heal the sores but you may not want to use it on your mouth as it could be toxic. Just get some over the counter cold sore cream to help heal te sores.

Cold sores inside the mouth?

Sores inside the mouth are called canker sores.

Are cold sores only found outside of the mouth?

Cold sores appear as a cluster of small blisters usually on the lips or around the mouth, especially the corners, and occasionally inside the nose. Approximately 20-40% of people will suffer a recurrent outbreak

Can canker sores be caught from someone else?

No, canker sores are abrasions inside your mouth and can be caused by biting your mouth, stress, drinking coffee etc. Cold sores (oral herpes) can be spread by someone else.

Are cold sores only restricted to around the mouth?

No, they can happen on any skin.

Can you get a cold sore on your legs?

It's more common to have them on or around the mouth. It's rare to have them away from the mouth or continuously wet places on the body. You're unlikely to have or get cold sores on your toes.

Do someone has to have sores in the mouth to pass on oral herpes?

They would have to have cold sores, which more commonly occur on the out side of the mouth. It's more likely for oral herpes (cold sores) to be passed on via oral sex while there are any signs of a break out.

Can you get cold sores in the nostril?

Cold sores are painful blisters that can be found inside the mouth, on the face and even in or on the nose. You can actually find them anywhere on your body, including genital parts!

Can a cold sore be on your face by the mouth?

Cold sores are caused by a virus infection, and are located around the mouth, on the line between the lip and the face skin.

What are the detrimental outcomes of cold sores?

There is nothing detrimental or life threatening about cold sores. It's not the end of the world if you happen to get a cold sore. All they do is cause embarassing and pain full sores or blisters on or around the mouth. The are also very common to have.

Can Chloramphenicol eye ointment be used on mouth cold sores?

my daughter was prescribed this by a doctor for cold sores / impetigo

Can you get cold sores on your chin?

Yes, unfortunately cold sores can manifest on the chin. They can occur pretty much anywhere around the mouth, eyes, and nose. Additionally, cold sores, because they are the herpes virus, can be spread from those areas to the genitals and anus as well.