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Q: If you have only one curved side what are you?
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What has only one curved side?

A circle or an oval (ellipse) This depends on what one calls a "side". Usually a side needs to be straight, as in the case of polygons.

What is the name of the shape with only 1 curved side?

A semicircle is one shape fitting this description.

What is a shape that has one curved side?


Transparent material with one curved side?

A lens is a piece of glass or other hard clear material molded with either one side flat and the other curved, or both sides curved. The curving side/s are to refract or bend light.

How many curved edges does a cylinder have?

There is one curved side and two curved edges (the rims along the top and bottom).

A shape which has one curved side?

a semi circle.. (:

What are the differences between convex lens and biconvex lens?

A convex lens has one flat side and one curved side --> |) A biconvex lens has both sides curved --> ()

Has one straight side and one curved side?

If you are referring to a shape, then a semi-circle would be the most likely shape that contains one straight side and one curved. Take a look at a protractor, it's a semi-circle.

What shape has one curved side and four straight sides?

A two-dimensional shape with one curved side and four straight sides can be created, but there is not specific name for such a shape.

What shape has 3 lateral sides and a curved side?

A shape with three linear sides and one curved side can be drawn, but such a shape has no specific name.

What geometric symbol has no bases and one curved surface?

a sphere has no bases and it only has one curved surface

What shape has 1 flat side 1 curved side no corners but it has curved edges?

Irregular shape is the term given to an object which has 1 flat side, 1 curved side, no corners but has curved edges.