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Q: If you have pending felony charges on you can you live with someone who owns a rifle?
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Can you shoot someone with a utg airsoft sniper rifle?

yes, but, you may be committing a felony and subject to jail/fines.

Can someone in pa with a past felony ever regain their rights to own a hunting rifle?

Depends on the nature of the felony. If it's something listed as a felony under federal law, then no. If it's only a felony at state level, then it is possible to file for relief of disability.

Can you own a rifle in pa with a simple assault charge?

If it's an ongoing felony charge, or a felony conviction, no.

What can keep you from buying a assault rifle?

Money, felony conviction, elected officials.

Why does a rifle have less kick then a shotgun?

It depends on the comparative charges of the ammunition. A rifle can have more recoil than a shotgun.

With a kansas nonvolent felony conviction can you hunt with a bow or rifle?

You need to consult with a lawyer

Can you have a rifle with a ten year old felony?

You will have to check your state laws. The restrictions vary by state.

Can you buy a rifle while on probation in Georgia?

For a felony or domestic violence conviction of any sort? No.

Is there a in Texas law that when you get out of prison they give you two gold coins rifle and a horse?

No. As a matter of fact, if you were convicted of a felony, it is against the law for you to ever possess a rifle.

What is serial number for mossberg model 47c and wh is patend pending?

Your Mossberg was made prior to 1968, and will not have a serial number unless made for the US Military. SNs were not required by law on rifle and shotguns until 1968. Patent Pending means that a patent has been applied for- but not yet granted- on some mechanism in that rifle.

What is the value of a Remington model 510 that has patent pending 22 short or 22 long rifle?

Retail it's worth about $150 or $160.

Can a parolee possess a hunting rifle for hunting?

Not if paroled for a felony- Federal law. For misdemeanor, it would be up to the Parole Officer.