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you could try it. hair growth patterns are what they are. you can't really change. i can grow a full beard, but not a mustache. try what you want, but you can't change your genes

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Q: If you have thick hairs on your chin and mustache but there are little hairs in between that are not as thick do you let those hairs grow in order to have a full mustache and goatee?
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Yes and you will grow a mustache if you're a female and you will become attracted men if you are male

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A mustaches are the result of the hormone testosterone. Until a person has reached puberty and begins to make the hormone in larger amounts, very few hairs on the upper lip will become thicker and will produce what is called a mustache. Both sexes produce testosterone and both will produce a mustache but women usually have only a very light mustache. A beard will also begin to form along with heavier side burns.

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Yes, my girlfriend shave her female mustache and it is hairy now then when she started to shave. At first it was blond and a few hairs. Now the color is black and more hairs. It hairy at the corners of her lips and not as hairy under her nose. I now shave her female mustache for her. She does not like to shave it any more. I can tell the more hairs are growing now. I hope her female mustache get thicker and more color. Thank you, R.T.T.

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Hi, I already have a grown out sideburns, mustache and chin but they are MOSTLY blonde peach fuzz; just a minor amount of dark hairs but will shaving my cheeks and neck everyday change my already long hairs to grow darker?