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Orphan foals should only be fed by bottle until they can be trained to a bucket.

Unless the milk replacer is the type that can remain in a bucket for many hours a newborn foal will have to be fed every few hours (2-3) for several days.

Once trained to drink from a bucket the milk replacer (the type that is designed for long term feeding) can be fed free choice. Depending on the time of year the milk can get quite nasty with drowned flies, so more frequent refills/ cleanings are advisable.

The advantages of bucket training and the use of a replacer that allows free choice feeding:

1) Foal is less fixated on the caretaker which makes it easier to train

2) Caretaker is less exhausted, especially initially, by frequent feedings

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Q: If you have to bottle feed a foal how often do you want to this?
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How do you pair with luc's mare on petz horsez 2?

I suggest only using one horse to train. Work with this horse often, and don't forget to take a break every 15 minutes to feed your foal (s). Work with cross country first (resist), then Jump, then Skill (dressage). Pass the training so you are at the highest levels. Take a break often to groom the horse and clean the stable. When all 3 areas of training and your care bar are filled 3 stars or higher, go to Luc's. He will say that you are ready. Select the horse you want to breed, then choose the mare you will breed with. Then name your foal. Go back to your foal stables to see your new foal.

How long do you have to wait to ride a momma horse after its had her baby?

After a mare has foaled you will want to wait until the foal is weaned before you ride the mare again. It is very hard to ride a mare with the foal trotting along side, and can be dangerous for the foal. A foal is ready to be weaned any time from 6 to 8 months of age.

Why wait to sell puppies?

The puppies need their mother's milk. No one wants to feed a liitle puppy with a tiny baby bottle several times a day. People want puppies that can eat puppy food. They want puppies that can walk.

Is it normal to have a Brooding mare to stop producing milk when the foal is only a couple months old and does that mean she is pregnant?

Depends, how many months. If its been six months its okay because its time to wean the foal. If its only two months then you might want to call your vet. They have a shot that makes them produce milk, it just depends on how old the foal is. And no it doesn't mean she is pregnant, she can still produce milk if she is pregnant and has a foal.

how much do you have to feed a dog?

How much to feed a dog for a year

Related questions

Is it bad for babies to be bottle fed?

No because if the mother does not want to breast feed or can't some moms can't breast feed they can bottle feed so it is not bad.

What do you with a puppy at 3wks old and the mom dose not want the puppy?

If you want the puppy to survive you will need to bottle feed him/her.

How do you pair with luc's mare on petz horsez 2?

I suggest only using one horse to train. Work with this horse often, and don't forget to take a break every 15 minutes to feed your foal (s). Work with cross country first (resist), then Jump, then Skill (dressage). Pass the training so you are at the highest levels. Take a break often to groom the horse and clean the stable. When all 3 areas of training and your care bar are filled 3 stars or higher, go to Luc's. He will say that you are ready. Select the horse you want to breed, then choose the mare you will breed with. Then name your foal. Go back to your foal stables to see your new foal.

What is the name of horse children?

A horse 'child' is generally known as a foal. If you want to be specific though, a female foal, is a filly and a male foal is a colt.

Why shouldn't babies be bottle fed?

It's unhealthy. If babies are breast fed they will have a better immune system. Also using the bottle to long will cause teeth to separate.

In iGoogle how often do you need to feed your pets?

They don't die. Therefore you don't have to feed them ever if you don't want to.

How will baby hamsters survive if taken away from the mother?

If u want to take the time then u could bottle feed them

How often should a water bottle be washed?

if you want to be safe, every day or so

Can the doll 'baby Annabell' go to sleep?

yes a baby Annabell will go to sleep after you feed it with it's bottle or sometimes when you put it's Binky in.

What are the reasons why some mothers choose to use the bottle than breast feed their babies?

they dont want dem suckin der headlights

Do you have to sell your foal on Howrse?

No, if you want it keep it, if you don't, sell it.

How often should you breastfeed during the day and night?

if you breast feed a baby you go with that until he is old enough. if you bottle feed him/her you go with that until he/she is old enough