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Well.... are they really any less of a believer if they don't go to church every sunday?

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Q: If you have two Catholic godparents can only one of them be practicing?
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When going through confirmation as a catholic is it okay to have a baptist sponsor?

Roman Catholic AnswerIt is recommended that one of your Godparents from your Baptism be your sponsor, but that sponsor must be a practicing Catholic as their primary function is to instruct you and lead you in the faith.

Do protestants have godparents?

The role of the godparent is to assist the parents in bringing up their children in the practice of the Catholic Faith. Therefore to be eligible to be a "godparent" it is necessary that the person be a practicing catholic. A Protestant may be a "Christian Witness" but may not serve in the capacity of godparent in the Baptism ceremony. There must be at least one person who serves as a godparent.

Does one have to be Baptised to be a godparent of a Catholic child?

Officially, a child can only have a Catholic christening if at least one parent is a Catholic, as the priest needs to have a "well-founded hope" that the child will be brought up in the Catholic Faith. No, not really. Some religions do have rules but normally, the is no.

What if Catholic Godparent changes to Baptist?

There are no "godparents" in the Bible, it shouldn't matter one way or the other.

Do both Godparents need to be Catholic?

Canon 873 states: "There is to be only one male sponsor or one female sponsor or one of each." So, although there may be 2 sponsore/godparents, only one is necessary. Canon 874 §1. states: "To be permitted to take on the function of sponsor a person must: 3/ be a Catholic who has been confirmed and has already received the most holy sacrament of the Eucharist and who leads a life of faith in keeping with the function to be assumed. So, only one of the sponsors/godparents must be a confirmed Catholic.

How do you get your children baptised?

Call the parish office and get the baptism schedule, and a priest or deacon will baptize. You are expected to raise up the child catholic and have him/her receive communion and attend religious ed classes. You may need to attend a brief session prior, along with godparents, who need to be catholic, baptized, and confirmed. Only one is required; if two godparents, one male and one female.

Do you need godparents in order to be baptize?

Yes; at least one who has to be baptized and confirmed Catholic,male or female.

Is there any written proof required that godparents are catholic in order to baptise?

Only one godparent is required to be Catholic. Some priests require wriitten proof from the godparent's parish, but many do not; it depends onthe pastor's policy.

Can someone not baptised attend a Catholic church?

No, to be a Godparent at a Catholic baptism one must be a baptized and practicing Catholic. However, you may also have another sponsor in addition to the Catholic Godparent. That second person does NOT have to be Catholic. Technically, they probably don't need to be christened, but what would be the point of having someone be a Godparent who does not believe in Christ?

Can three people two male and one female act as godparents for your son in roman catholic faith?

No. The godparents must be a couple (i.e. two people, not three) who are married within the Catholic faith (i.e. have performed the sacrament of matrimony, which cannot include two women or two men) and must be the pair of one man and one woman. I'm not so sure. You can certainly have more than one of each but there is a chance they need to be in pairs. However my brother has two Godfathers and two Godmothers. I don't know, maybe you should ask your priest, he'll be happy to help (and somewhat better informed than I am) Also I don't think they have to be married, neither of my Godparents are... Actually, there can be one or two godparents, one male or one female or one of each, and they need not be married but must be baptized and confirmed and over age 16. If one of the two Godparents is not Catholic, he/she can be listed as Christian witness if Christian. If more than one of the same sex, say 2 males and one female, then only one male is listed as sponsor and the other can be called godparent by the family, and can also assist in the ceremony.

Do you have to be Catholic to be a godmother?

In order to be a sponsor (godparent) of a Catholic child being baptized, yes, the sponsor must be Catholic. Not only that, but Church law (c. 874) insists on several other qualifications:1. They be appointed by the child's parents and "have the aptitude and intention of fulfilling this function". This would mean that the selected godparent needs to know and practice the faith and also would have the ability and intention to share it with the child being baptized. A person who does not practice the faith (keeping the Ten Commandments and observing the Precepts of the Church is a good minimal line to consider) is not a good baptismal sponsor. 2. They must be 16 years old or older. 3. They must be a Catholic who has completed their Christian initiation (received Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist). 4. They must not be bound by a canonical penalty (excommunication, interdict, etc.). The most common cases here would include those who live in an 'irregular' marriage, those who have procured an abortion, and those who have left the Church by a formal act. Disqualifying circumstances like this should be referred to the parish priest to seek reconciliation. 5. They must not be the parent of the child to be baptized.The most challenging point to most folks is that the sponsor must actually be a good witness to the faith for the one being baptized. This is not simply an honorary function for family members, but parents should seriously consider who might best fulfill this important spiritual role in the child's life. Optimally, the sponsors/godparents should be people who has enough contact and influence over the child to be a good Confirmation sponsor some years down the road.A baptized person who is not Catholic may serve as a second "witness" to a baptism as long as one sponsor fully meets the expectations outlined above. Thus, if an aunt to the child who is Catholic and practicing her faith is married to a non-Catholic uncle who is baptized in another Christian community, it is possible for them to serve together as godparents, although technically only the aunt is a godparent and the uncle is simply a 'witness' to the baptism..Catholic AnswerYes, the Catechism says (in paragraph 1255) that the godparents must be "firm believers, able and ready to help the newly baptized on the road of Christian life (from the Code of Canon Law). A non-Catholic godparent would kind of defeat the purpose of having a godparent.

I am a divorced Man and I am a practicing Catholic and was never married in the Catholic Church. Can I marry a practicing Catholic Woman who is a widow in the Catholic Church.?

Answer: The Catholic widow is free to marry. You are also free to marry in the Catholic Church. This is because your first marriage was not a Catholic one and, according to Church law, it should have been. It will be simple matter of speaking to your local pastor and filling out a form to be sent to the diocese.