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I would. But if you are not for sure, then call a vet and see what they say.

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Q: If you have two male guinea pigs and one keeps trying to mate with the other should you separate them?
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My one male guinea pig keeps biting the other male guinea pig and he always has cuts on his bum Should i keep them separated or would that stress them out?

Yes, you should keep all male guinea pigs separate. They are very territorial and they will always fight. It will not stress them if they can hear or see each other through the cages.

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It could be trying to sleep or it might be tired. Don't forget something for it to hide in. :) It is not serious!

Adult male gp and a young male gp The adult keeps trying to mount the younger Is this odd?

No, this is not odd. Male guinea pigs love to breed. They will try with any in their cage. Male pigs should be housed alone because of this.

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If you bought the game from steam, no. and if your trying to put a game on your computer and it keeps adding to steam, than un-install steam while your trying to install the game.

I have an Adult male gp and a young male gp The adult keeps trying to mount the younger Is this odd?

No, this is normal. The males may end up fighting. You should keep males separate from other males to prevent any fights or injuries.

Is a guinea pig helpful or harmful?

It is helpful because it keeps you company

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What happens when a guinea pigs bodys twists and doesnt move even while stroking it?

it may be half asleep and not bothered to move but if it keeps happening and they are not eating you should get them checked out.

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When your guinea pig tilts its head to one side it might have a eye or ear infection.

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yo moma hahAA

You cant cut your guinea pigs nails because she keeps moving you dont want to take her to the vet so what shall you do?

When you handle your guinea you should fiddle with her feet so she gets used to you touching her feet. After a few times you can cut her nails instead of fiddling.

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