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i have red spots in my mouth with white centers and have a temp of 103

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Q: If you have white spots and im quite red and sore in your mouth what could this be?
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What if you have a white spot in your mouth?

white spots in the back of the mouth are common in people who take inhalers for copd . white spots in the mouth are also a hint that the patient has aids

Can white spots in the mouth be caused by any other then oral cancer?

White spots can be caused by both strep throat and tonsillitis, but not usually on your tongue. There are also certain medications that can cause white spots - although I'm not sure which ones. Cancer can also cause white spots on your tongue - but only mouth or throat cancers, and there would be many other signs of that besides just the spots. So, tonsillitis would be your best bet.

What type of black snake has white spots?

Cottonmouth (white mouth). The answer's in the question.

What do you call the white spots at the back of the mouth?

I call them Fred.

Do coho salmon have spots?

Yes they have alot of spots. The fastest and easiest way to tell a coho from a Chinook is to look at their mouth. A Chinook will have black gums, all around their teeth. The coho will not, their mouth will be white.

What is a white spot on lower lip?

A white spot on the lower lip could be a Fordyce spot, which are simply prominent sebaceous glands. It could also be a canker sore (aphthous ulcer) or a cold sore (herpes simplex virus). If it persists or causes discomfort, it's best to consult a healthcare professional for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

What could be White Itchy Spots on the Vagina?

IT can be a jock itch.

White spots on teeth?

White spots on teeth are quite a common dentistry problem. They appear after changes in the mineral content of teeth. Treatment include bonding, fluoride intake and porcelain laminate.

What are Koplik's spots?

Koplik's spots are tiny spots occurring inside the mouth, especially on the inside of the cheek. These spots consist of minuscule white dots (like grains of salt or sand) set onto a reddened bump. Unique to measles.

Can you get fordyce spots on your fingers?

Fordyce spots are harmless yellowish white spots that found on the shaft of the penis, the labia, scrotum, or the vermilion border of the lips of a person's face. They may be found in the mouth. They are not found on the fingers.

Your son has white spots on his teeth what are they?

this can be from a number of things, if his teeth are not being brushed thoroughly, it could be that his enamel is being overwhelmed by the enzymes in his mouth. this could also be a crack in his sealants, or calcium deposits. if you're worried, call the dentist

Does a great white have spots?

Not a great white does not have spots