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No, a yeast infection is not a sign that you are starting your period.

Menstruation is controlled by you menstrual cycle which is to do with reproductive organs and hormones, although hormonal changes can effect vaginal pH it can't cause a yeast infection. A yeast infection is simply an overgrowth of naturally occurring yeast in your vagina, it's not a sign of your period - if it were you'd get a yeast infection every cycle. Remember once your period starts no using tampons with a vaginal infection.

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18y ago

No. A yeast infection is a bacterial infection that starts on the outside of your body. Your period will start after your first ovulation which is a hormonal function.

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Q: If you haven't had your period yet is a yeast infection a sign of starting?
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Will a yeast infection leave after your period?

No. The yeast infection can remain for years if you don't get it treated.

If you have been diagnosed with yeast infection and you now have cramping - but it is not time for your period - could the cramps be a symptom of yeast infection?

* There are several reasons for cramps but it has nothing to do with yeast infection. * Yes, it can be related to yeast infection.

Could a yeast infection cause cramps in your lower stomach and legs?

Hello - No a yeast infection will not cause this but a period or a approaching period can and so will a pulled or strained muscle.

Is itching and burning a sign of having your period?

No, itching and burning have nothing to do with menstruation - these symptoms suggest that you have a vaginal infection such as a yeast infection, get an over-the-counter yeast infection treatment or go to your doctor for tests and treatment.

Can a yeast infection be a sign of chlamydia?

A yeast infection is not a sign of chlamydia.

Will the blood be yellow while having a yeast infection on your period?

Absolutely, scientifically impossible. No. The yellow is the residue from the yeast, and is has nothing to do with your blood.

Itichy vaginia what could it be that you are starting your period?

probably means you have a yeast infection women get them usually from antibotics. but its always best to see your dr, otherwise try OTC monistat.hope this helps you

What colour is your vulva if you have a yeast infection?

do you smell bad? then you might have a yeast infection. are you having nasty discharge? then you might have a yeast infection. are you having vaginal pain? then you might a yeast infection.

Is a yeast infection the same as a fungal infection?

There are different types of fungal infections.A yeast infection is a specific type of fungal infection (candida yeast).

Is a yeast infection a virus?

Yeast infection is caused by fungi, not by a virus.

Can you still get a yeast infection after a hysterectomy?

Can I still get a yeast infection after a hysterectomy?

Can yeast infections cause late or missed periods?

No, yeast infections cannot cause your period to be late.Menstruation is controlled by your menstrual cycles, a domino effect of hormonal changes between your brain and reproductive organs, your menstrual cycle should continue as normal whether you have a yeast infection or not. A yeast infection is just a vaginal infection, when naturally occurring yeast in your vagina overgrows and causes irritation - just treat the infection. If your period is late it is due to something else, maybe stress or ill health but if sexually active pregnancy is a possibility too.