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YOU shouldnt be hitting the cow anyway....and if you do YOU should have to pay for hurting the poor cow.....

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Q: If you hit a cow in nc who covers the damage you or the owner of the cow?
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If you hit a cow with your car is the owner of the car or the cow responsible for damages?

AnswerActually, It depends on the laws in your state. Some states do not have "open range" signs and laws. In WI for example, the cow owner is responsible for the damage, unless the police determines that you were negligent or all animal owners are required to be in control of their animals at all times, and are liable for any injuries and damage they cause. I know this several ways...I studied to become a police officer, I worked at a vet clinic that specialized in large and small animals, and my husband recently went through this.

Is liability automobile insurance the best cheap coverage?

It covers you if you hit someone for their damage only. It wont cover any damage to you and your own car.

What is the difference between third party and fully comprehensive car insurance?

Third Party Insurance only covers the person you have hit in the accident, you have to pay for all the damage to your own vehicle yourself. Fully Comprehensive covers all your damage and all of the other person's damage.

Does comprehensive auto insurance cover damage to your car from avoiding a deer and then hitting the curb I know it covers damage from hitting an animal but what about damage from avoiding one?

You still had a accident. What you hit was a curb.

Why is it illegal to hit a cow in India?

it is illegal to hit a cow in India because the cow is god

Is it my fault if I hit a chain on private property that had no reflector on it?

Yes. you are responsible for damage to private property. the owner does not have to have a reflector on the chain. its his and he owns it. ok. what you can do is go to the owner accept responsibility for the damage you caused and offer to replace or pay for it.

If you have comprehensive but not full coverage and an unknown object hits your car while in a parking lot will the insurance pay for the damage?

No. Sorry, it will be an "out of pocket" expense for you. ? Yes it will. Just discussed this with my agent. Collision covers your vehicle damage if you hit something else and Comprehensive covers damage if someone (or something) hits you.

Will auto liability cover damage done by a deer?

No. Unless you killed somebody's pet deer, liability insurance is no value. Liability insurance covers the damage you do to somebody else's property or person. Collision insurance covers damage to your vehicle when you strike an object or animal or when your vehicle is damaged by someone unknown, as in a hit-and-run accident.

Do you have to replace a cow you hit on a road?

It depends on what the owner of that cow says. You may have to replace the cow with another one, or pay a fine for damages to that cow as well as how much the cow had originally cost the producer. Often it's best to let the owner himself to replace the cow on his own, because he/she knows better what to look for than you do.Another View: Actually that would probably become a question for your insurance company rather than you. The farmer has the responsibility to maintain secure fences for his livestock, so he does have some responsibility for the wandering cow. As a matter of fact, your insurance company (or you) could probably sue the farmer.

I hit someones dog the owner claims to have left the gate open Who is responsible for the damage done to my car?

Most cities have leash laws where dogs aren't allowed to run around. If your city has leash laws and the dog runs in the road and gets hit by a car the owner of the dog is responsible for the vet bill and for the damage done to the car.

If you get hit by a deer and only have liability coverage would your car be covered?

No. Liability coverage takes care of any costs or damage you may do to other people and property during the course of driving, including both bodily injury to others and property damage. Collision insurance covers damage to your car when your car hits or is hit by another object, while comprehensive insurance covers losses resulting from incidents other than collision - floods, damage caused by external forces, and so on.

If you hit a high water area and hydro planed and hit a tree will comprehensive insurance cover the damage?

Your collision coverage should pay for the damage caused by hitting the tree.Comprehensive insurance covers water damage, hail and flood. However, in your scenario, the damage was only indirectly caused by the water. Damage to your car caused by hitting another car or a fixed object is paid for by your collision coverage.