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I'll make this simple, basically what would happen is that you would keep falling through the center of the earth. You would momentarily stop at the other side of the earth at the same height you jumped into the hole. Then you would fall back into the hole repeating the process indefinitely.

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2w ago

Yes, in theory, ignoring air resistance and other factors, your velocity would carry you past the center of the Earth and you would oscillate back-and-forth. This is because the force of gravity would continually accelerate you until you reached the other side of the Earth.

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13y ago

If you dug a hole from one end of the earth through the middle and out the other side, then jumped down it you would be accelerated until you reached terminal velocity (because the hole would fill with air) which is 55 m/s. When you pass the center you would now be pulled in the opposite direction but still with the same force. Just under 2.37 seconds after you pass the center you would stop moving and begin to fall back towards the center. As you pass the center again you would begin to be pulled towards it again and this would continue forever.

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Q: If you jumped down a hole drilled directly through the earth theoretically would your velocity take you past the center of the earth?
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How if force related to velocity and acceleration?

Force is related to velocity through Newton's second law, which states that force is directly proportional to the acceleration of an object. Mathematically, force (F) = mass (m) x acceleration (a). Acceleration is directly related to velocity, as a change in velocity over time results in acceleration. Therefore, force can indirectly be related to velocity through its influence on acceleration.

Does an increase in velocity or an increase in mass have a greater effect on momentum?

An increase in velocity has a greater effect on momentum than an increase in mass. This is because momentum is directly proportional to velocity, while mass only has an indirect effect on momentum through its influence on velocity.

What is the relation of conductor velocity?

The conductor velocity is directly related to the induced voltage in a conductor moving through a magnetic field. This relationship is described by Faraday's law of electromagnetic induction, which states that the induced voltage is proportional to the rate of change of magnetic flux through the conductor.

How is momentum related to energy?

Momentum is related to energy through the concept of kinetic energy. Kinetic energy is the energy an object possesses due to its motion, and it is directly proportional to the square of the object's momentum. In other words, the greater the momentum of an object, the greater its kinetic energy.

What is wave velocity and particle velocity?

The speed the wave is traveling through space

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An increase in velocity has a greater effect on momentum than an increase in mass. This is because momentum is directly proportional to velocity, while mass only has an indirect effect on momentum through its influence on velocity.

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What layer of the earth have humans drilled into the earth?

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