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The father of the baby would have to sign his rights over as a parent as long as paternity has been established. If the father has not signed or been named on the birth certificate and can prove paternity (through DNA testing) or other means he has a legal right to his child.

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Q: If you let your parents have custody of your baby does the father have to sign some kind of papers?
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The mother already has sole custody. The father has not rights. see link

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If you live in the US... The father's parents have no rights to custody at all. The father has the right to petition for custody, but he won't be given sole custody unless he can prove the mother unfit. He might, however, be given joint custody.

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Yes, by adopting the child.

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It depends on who has custody of the child. If you have complete custody then you do not legally have to change it.

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if there's a custody agreement its between the parents, however if there is no "joint custody" agreement..... it's ALL UP TO CUSTODIAL PARENT

If a person dies and the baby's father is in jail could the maternal grandparents get full custody of the child?

The baby's grandparents could get custody.

If you are underage and pregnant and no longer with the baby's father who gets sole custody?

I believe that the mother should get custody and she gives the father a schedule to be on.

If a boyfriend leaves his pregnant girlfriend could he get custody of the baby?

As unfortunate as this may be it is possible for the father to get custody of the baby, but not full custody unless the mother is proven unfit. Because reguardless of what happened between the couple the father is still the father of the child, and the father still has his rights as a father to be a part of his child's life.

Can an unmarried mother in Texas take a baby out of state without the fathers permission?

If the father doesn't have joint custody, then yes. If he does have some sort of custody, probably not. If you went to court, look on the papers or call the court and see how much parental rights he has.

Do you have to give custody to the father of your baby?

Only if there is a court order.

Can a father take baby when mother has full custody?

Not legally. Father can be charged with kidnapping.

What are legal rights for fathers in Wisconsin if the baby has not yet been born but mother is in labor and adoption papers have not been cancelled?

I would think that if the mother and father are not together and the mother is willing to give up custody of the child to the father than the father would have rights to the child. If the adoption papers haven't been canceled yet they will have to be signed when the baby is born saying that the mother and father give up parental rights to the child