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If you are really afraid of rejection than your not with the right person. You should be able to be comfortable with your relationship.

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Q: If you like him what should you do if you are scared of rejection?
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Related questions

What is fear of rejection?

being scared of asking people out in case they say no.It's means they scared to be turned do by a girl that they really like the most

What to do if you like someone but scared a rejection will make your friendship awkward?

You go on and ask them out and have confidence if they don't like u afterwards they were not worth it

What is a word for someone who is scared of rejection?

"Insecure" could fit.

Why is a guy scared to meet a girl?

rejection or looking bad ...

Why don't boys just ask a girl out?

Because they are scared of rejection

You really like this girl but you are shy nervous and scared of rejection what should you do?

Do it with confidence because girls like confidence and you really don't have anything to lose But I would still like to be friends with her and I do not want to make a wrong move and turn her off and then have it be awkward between us from then on.

If a girl fancy's a boy and her friend thinks he fancy's her back but the gir is scared of rejection and her parents don't let her date what should she do?

Tell your parents about it, create a compromise about dating (ex. no kissing, the dates would be surpevised), it might seem lame but sometimes it's the only way to date, and you're going to meet a lot of other people in your life, he isn't the only guy that is going to love you. If you're scared of rejection try to get closer to the guy, and when you are going to be close friends you won't be as scared of rejection as you are now. If you are scared to ruin your friendship talk about it with the guy.

How do you get a boy to go out?

Ask him. Don't be scared about rejection, because everyone gets it.

Why does a boy in love avoid the girl?

Because he's scared of rejection. He's scared that if she finds out how he feels then she'll laugh at him and reject him.

How do you get some you really like to like you back?

The best way to start a relationship that you want to keep is to be truthful, and kind. Don't play hard to get, and most of all don't be scared of rejection.

Why would a guy that's taken hold back his feelings towards you is he scared because he knows its wrong or scared of what you would think?

i think he's scared- guys are just as scared as girls as far as rejection goes.

Why dont guys tell you when they like you?

Most guys are either too shy to make the first move or scared of rejection. Drop hints here or there and if your really confident tell him you like him instead.