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Iv had my streached for nearly 4 years now and im at a 14mm gauge. I did manage to strink it back down to normal from an 8mm but it did take a few months or so, but i no people that have gone over 10mm and they have returned back to 4-5mm. But it really depends on how elestic your earlobes are and skin.

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14y ago

Of course. A standard earring size is about a 20/22, so you're only a few sizes up. Just take the gauges out and put a regular earring stud/hoop in, and they'll shrink back to normal size in a few days time. They might be a little sore, though. So be gentle.

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Q: If you made your ears a size 14 gauge could they go back to normal size?
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by experiences , they go back to normal (:

After an industrial piercing thoroughly heals if you take it out will there be a medium size hole where it was?

i have mi ears gauged, and my cartlage. and when you take them out yes there is a whole about the size of the gauge that was in its place. but it will grow back, mine grew back with in a week to a normal size.

What is the highest gauge you can stretch your ears first?

One gauge, and one gauge only. If you cheat and stretch more than the next gauge you will damage the tissue, once it's damaged it will not return to normal when the plugs are removed.

If you gauge your ears and take them out will grow back together?

Yes they do. If you go to size 00 or less they will close up and look normal but any size bigger than that you might end up with saggy earlobes.

What if your child's earring hole stretched will it grow back?

If your child is gauging their ears it will heal back if they do not go past a 0'0 gauge.

Is it normal for your rabbit to lose hair on her ears?

I'd think not. But I could be wrong. ;)

If you gauge your ears at a 12 will you be able to shrink them back to a 16 for prom?

You might, but it depends on how large or significant the damage was and how quickly and fully your body / ears heal on their own. If it is not going too well (maybe by the time you are 14 or 15), you could try going to a doctor. Some might be able or willing to stitch it back up.

Were does gauge earings go?

uhm tis is kinda weird...but in your ears lol but you can gauge lotsa things other than just your ears n btw gauging your ears hurts...

My ears are at a normal sized hole right now is it okay if you go to a 4 gauge from that hole or will it cause a blow-out or rip your ear?

Depends on what you mean by "normal". Generally lobe piercings are an 18 gauge.... so going up to a 4 will probably rip... I would suggest talking to a piercer to find out what gauge you should use

What kind of ears do werewolves have?

Werewolves have ears that are very similar to normal wolf ears. The biggest difference is that werewolf ears are typically just a couple sizes larger then normal wolf ears. The placing of the ears on the head are the same as a normal wolf.

Is it normal for ears to throb after gauging them?

yes it is it could be your ears are sensitive or their just starting to get bad ear infections either way go get them checked out.

Will your gauged ears go back to normal?

depends on how big your lobes get. but chances are they will never look the same.