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If you are throwing up multiple times a day, or even multiple times a week, you already have an eating disorder. At the very least, a person who is making themselves purge has some very worrisome disordered eating and should seek help.

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14y ago

If you are already throwing up your food you have probably already developed a disorder. The healthiest thing you could do would be to keep eating and to keep it all down, bulimia nervosa (which is what it sounds like you have) can kill you. If you are doing it because you think that you will get thin then you are wrong, you will probably gain weight instead of losing it.

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Q: If I make my self throw up multiple times do you think I will develop an eating disorder?
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i would have to say no. a vaccine is something that prevents a disease. bulimia is an eating disorder. i dont think there is a vaccine for an eating disorder. sorry.

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Yes. That would probably be BDD (Body Dismorphic Disorder) or EDNOS (Eatin Disorder Not Otherwise Specified).

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If you are not hungry, that is not a sign of an eating disorder. Not eating because you think you are fat can be a sign of an eating disorder. Most people with anorexia or bulimia have body dysphoric disorder, where they cannot really judge how they look. Regardless, skipping meals is unhealthy at any level.

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You should consult your doctor immediately if you think you have an eating disorder. If your doctor feels that medication would assist you with your disorder then one will be prescribed for you.

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Anorexia nervosa I think.

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The best thing to do would be to get them professional help.

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However much is healthy for you as described by your doctor. Don't worry about what other people think, or you'll develop an eating disorder.

Why might 2 different magazines affect a person with an eating disorder?

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