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Q: If you notice a decrease in vaginal discharge at 6 weeks should i be worried?
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How soon do your secretions change during pregnancy?

Vaginal secretions occur usually within 2 weeks of conception but it can take as long as 6 weeks before you will notice a increase in vaginal secretions and discharge.

When you wake up in the morning you notice that you had a semen discharge is this normal?

yes. this is normal. some people call it a "wet dream". nothing to be worried about. all males have this.

What are the symptoms of trichomoniasis in males?

burning sensation during urination and white watery dischargeMale symptoms of trich are irritation of the penis, a discharge, and burning after urination or ejaculation.In men, there may be no symptoms at all. Some men notice a small amount of yellowish discharge from the penis, usually first thing in the morning. There may be some mild discomfort while urinating.

Is it possible that the depo birth control shot could cause you to stop having vaginal discharge?

I heard it stops for the length of the shot duration, and you only have 4 periods a year, instead of 12. Consult a doctor when it comes down to your own personal health.

How far into puberty do you normally get your period?

It is different for each female. Be on the lookout for signs such as: underarm hair, breast growth, vaginal discharge (a white or clear liquid that leaks from your vagina that you might notice in your underwear).

What does chlamydia discharge look like?

In women, the discharge often has a green color, but women with gonorrhea may not notice any unusual discharge. Men may have a yellow or green discharge from the penis.In men, a white, yellow, or green discharge from the penis that usually appears 1 to 14 days after infection. Sometimes men with gonorrhea get painful or swollen testicles. This disease is sometimes called "clap" because men would "clap" their penis to remove the discharge.In women, increased vaginal discharge, or vaginal bleeding between periods is seen. It is a cloudy discharge.It may be green or yellow, or a woman may have no change in discharge. If you're at risk, get tested.

Can the hormones in nuva ring affect the odour and taste of your vagina?

Some women notice a change in vaginal discharge, but without a change in odor and without additional irritation. I'm not aware of any study regarding the taste of the vagina and hormonal birth control.

When a women period has ended for life will she have a white discharge in her panties?

Yes, a woman will always have discharge. Discharge starts during puberty and continues throughout your life, although it lessens as you enter menopause it will still continue as discharge is needed to keep the vagina clean and healthy. Discharge flushes out dirt and dead cells, is slightly acidic to keep a healthy level of bacteria, and keeps vaginal walls moist so they don't dry out - it will also change in colour, smell or texture if you have a vaginal infection. Discharge changes throughout your menstrual cycles too, which can tell you a lot about your menstrual cycles, you also get fertile cervical mucus around a week before ovulation that helps keep sperm alive in the vagina so it can reach the egg. You will also notice more discharge when aroused as this helps prevent pain or damage during sex.

What are the symtoms of starting your period?

One of the first symptoms is breast development. You would probobly have that about two years before your period. You might also notice that some hair will be sprouting down below and under your arms. One of the biggest symptoms is vaginal discharge. You might notice some clear whitey gooey stuff in your underwear, or it might be slightly off white. Thats perfecty normal. About 6 months to 2 years after discharge you will probably get your period!

What do you do if you notice a discharge from your dog's eye?

u should call the vet.

What if a girl has a vaginal discharge?

a girl usually starts discharging about 6 months to a year before she starts her menstrual cycle. this is due to changing horomones, discharge keeps your vagina healthy by cleaning out impurities and keeping the right ph balance.

Do ovaries harden during first weeks of pregnancy that one would notice while pushing on the lower abdomen?

last period date april 20.i have braest pain,size increase,eating time feeling fullness,may12 become vaginal discharge[DARK colour]afterwise now become white discharge,backache,muscle pain.